Chapter 4: Under the Influence

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Ezra's POV                 

TW: underage drinking, minor mention of su1c1d@l thoughts.

Also I want to make it super clear I'm NOT glorifying su1c1d3!!! If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out to somebody and get the help you need!!! Hang in there 💗💗💗

After Bethany got here we just hung out until about 17:00.

Luke and I started to head home.

"I need alcohol." I said.

"I don't think that's legal." he replied.

"Your right, it's not but, uh, screw it, I'm having some anyway."

"Ok, I'm not gonna try to stop you," he laughed, "actually I might join you."

"Ok. I'm guessing you've had some before then?" I laughed.

"Actually no, besides that one time my mom made me try her wine when I was 12."


"I don't know, my mom's weird."

We laughed.

"Well good thing I'm craving it now, we have to get to that party later." I said.

Oh yea, I forgot to mention.

One of Chelsea's many siblings is throwing a party tonight at their house.

So of course there's gonna be alcohol, since they're old enough to legally buy it.

"Oh yea, never been to a party either."

"WHAT?! REALLY???" I yelled.

"Yea, haha, my classmates didn't like me very much."

"Can't see why." I said.

"Really? People usually find me annoying. Am I annoying to you?"

"Of course not Luke."

My phone then ringed briefly, not even for a second.

"Huh, weird."

Luke hummed in question.

I check the caller id.


I froze.

I clicked her name to call her back but I was met with immediate voicemail.

I tried again.

"What is it Ezra?"

"My-my sister t-tried to call me."


"Y-yea," I stutter, "but it keeps sending me back to voicemail."

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