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Hey!! Author here! Here are some things you need to know!!

I am a guy. Trans and gay. He/they. Do NOT refer to me as she I will pound your sorry ass into the ground and block you. (Unless it is accident lolz)

All species can be different ethnicities and races. It'd be weird of they weren't.

Humans are humans.

Faires have the power of plant growth and zoolingualism. Most of them live in the forests, but are just as advanced as humans.

Werewolves are antros. They can change into their wolf form anytime they want, not just a full moon.

Sirens have two forms. Underwater they have mermaid tails but above water they look like they're from Luca.

Hippogriff! Ok so, basically hippogriffs are like exactly the same but with more of a humaniod structure.

I'll put more here when there's a new species I wanna add!

Please enjoy the book! And check out the playlist for it!! ---->

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