semi-perfect saga (ch-36)

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(cut to Krillin flying in the sky looking for Bulma's plane)

KRILLIN: Huh? (sees a twinkle in the distance) Oh, hey! It's Bulma! HEY, BULMA!

(from inside the plane, Baby Trunks starts babbling incoherently, catching Bulma's attention)

BULMA: Huh? What is it, Trunks? (Baby Trunks is seen pointing forward, trying to say something)


BABY TRUNKS: Krilli! Krillin!

BULMA: (not noticing Krillin approaching the plane) Whatcha pointing at, little guy?

KRILLIN: ...Bulma?

BULMA: (finally notices) Huh?

KRILLIN: BULMA, STOP THE-- (WHAM! Krillin hits the windshield of Bulma's plane and groans)


KRILLIN: (muffled) Found ya...

(Krillin Owned Count: 32)


(cut to Cell, having just achieved Semi-Perfect Form, his body crackling with electricity)

ANDROID 16: Come with me if you want to live. (starts running towards Android 18)

ANDROID 18: Did you just--? (Android 16 grabs Android 18's arm and tries to make a run for it, but Semi-Perfect Cell flies ahead of them and blocks their path. Android 16 lightly pushes Android 18 behind him.)

SEMI-PERFECT CELL: (walks up to the ocean and looks at his reflection in the water) (speaking in a deep, baritone voice) Hmm... So this is what lips feel like... (begins playing with his new lips by making blubbering sounds, then chuckles) Oh, that's fun!

ALTER Y/N: enough of this (charges towards her)

SEMI-PERFECT CELL: oh (opens tail)

ALTER Y/N: (stops in his tracks only for semi-perfect cell to punch him in the cheek only for it to do nothing) did you really think you would become stronger than me I fought 3 andriods separately your gonna need some major bullshit to make sure you'll win

ANDROID 79: well well well finally found you alter Y/N

ALTER Y/N: (annoyed shock) you can't be fucking serious

ANDROID 79: oh yes alter Y/N you see I was created by Dr gero for the sole purpose of killing-

ALTER Y/N: (unimpressed) san Goki

ANDROID 79: at first it was but I realized that Goki isn't the strongest anymore…it's you

ALTER Y/N: (rolls eyes) wow for an advanced computer you're very slow

ANDROID 79: shut up your jokes won't matter in a few moments you'll be dead

SEMI-PERFECT CELL: um you're forgetting about me (realizes she can hunt down the Androids without any problems) you know what never mind

(semi-perfect cell launches towards android 16 and 18 as alter Y/N creates a ki blade ready to cut off 18 head but android 79 kicks side kicks him launching him into a mountain as the entire mountain comes crashing down on top of him sending rubble everywhere)

(Android 18 dodges an attack from semi-perfect cell but she sweeps Android 18 feet and opens her tail trying to absorb her)

ANDROID 18: (looking at the tail) ew ew ew ew (tries to hold semi-perfect cell tail up) get it away

SEMI-PERFECT CELL: I wonder what my body will look like after I kill San goki. (starts cackling until a hand touches her shoulder: 16's hand)

ANDROID 16: Would you care to repeat that, you son of a bitch?! (punches semi-perfect Cell in the face, causing her vision to blur)

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