Chapter One: The New Titans

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Richard skillfully maneuvered his sleek black vehicle through the bustling streets of Jump City, his hands gripping the steering wheel with a mix of anticipation and excitement, each turn bringing him closer to their destination. However, sitting uneasily in the passenger seat, the reluctant thirteen-year-old, Damian mirrored none of his guardian's enthusiasm.

"You know, I could have driven myself." Damian grumbled bitterly, his arms crossing tightly against his chest, exuding an air of defiance.

Richard's lips curled into a playful smirk, his eyes briefly flickering to Damian before returning to the road. "Considering the little stunt you pulled, you should count yourself lucky to even be allowed near one of my vehicles." He retorted, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and stern authority.

Unimpressed, Damian's short temper flared, his frustration seeping into his words. "So, what? This is my punishment? Being forced to team up with a bunch of children?" He spat, his disdain for the situation evident.

Richard's expression softened, and he cast a brief glance at the young ward. "This isn't punishment, Damian. Being part of a team will be good for you. And they aren't children, they're teenagers." He clarified, hoping to appease Damian's growing resentment.

"Even worse." Damian grumbled, slumping further in his seat, his displeasure palpable.

The car continued its journey, each passing street filling the tense silence between them. As they turned a corner, their eyes were met with a sight that brought relief to Richard's heart - Titans Tower, standing tall and proud against the skyline.

Richard suppressed his eagerness, well aware of Damian's sharp observations. He skillfully parked the vehicle in the Tower's driveway, allowing a satisfied sigh to escape his lips. "Damian, welcome to Titans Tower." He declared, his voice carrying a hint of pride.

Damian's gaze lifted, following Richard's gesture to the towering structure adorned with a reflective T emblem. An arched eyebrow raised in critique. "Not much for subtlety, I see." He commented dryly, his attention shifting to the imposing figure of the tall redhead waiting for them at the front door.

Richard couldn't help but chuckle softly, appreciating Damian's sharp wit. He opened the car door, signaling for Damian to follow suit. "Come on, Damian. Let's go meet the team." He said, stepping out of the vehicle with a confident stride.

Richard's face lit up with an unabashed beam as his eyes fell upon the radiant alien beauty that waited for him. His excitement bubbled beneath the surface, threatening to spill over. With controlled restraint, he composed himself, morphing his elation into a more composed demeanor as he stepped out of the vehicle. The smile never wavered on his face, growing only more pronounced as he closed the distance between them.

"Starfire." He addressed her with a touch of professionalism, veiling the sheer delight he felt at their reunion. "It's been a while."

A reciprocating smile graced Kori's lips, her eyes twinkling with warmth and fondness. "Nightwing." She greeted, her voice infused with affection. "Indeed, it has been quite some time."

Richard's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, aching to embrace her tightly, to revel in her presence, and share with her the depths of his emotions. However, a flicker of awareness pricked at him as Damian's skeptical gaze lingered upon them, witnessing the undeniable tension that lingered in the air. With a resolute sense of duty, Richard reined in his desires, reminding himself to maintain professionalism in Damian's presence.

"Starfire, this is Damian, the new Robin." Richard introduced, his voice holding a note of formality as he gestured towards the young boy standing beside him.

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