Chapter Three: Raven's Goodbye.

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One year ago.


It was late at night in Titans Tower. Most of the windows were dark, implying that the majority of the occupants of the tower had gone to bed. But there was one room still lit up, indicating someone was awake at this late hour.

In the kitchen, Raven sat on a stool at the island table, her expression pensive as she stared into the distance. Richard crossed his arms and leaned against the counter, giving her space while silently showing his support. The room grew quiet, and a sense of comfort settled between them despite the weight of the conversation that lingered in the air.

He had known this moment was coming for some time now. Richard's keen attentiveness had spotted Raven's longing for a way out, she craved what she never got to experience, a normal life. In her youth, being her natural abnormal self had been easier, but as the years went by and the Titans world settled down, the opportunity to be normal started to become a more reasonable objective.

But even though he had anticipated this conversation, it didn't make it any less painful to hear. The thought of Raven leaving the team, tugged at his heartstrings. They had been through so much together, forming a bond that went beyond friendship.

He let out a soft sigh, trying to compose his thoughts before speaking. "This place won't be the same without you." His voice was gentle and filled with admiration, his feelings evident in his words.

Raven responded with a knowing look. "You have a whole new team recruiting in a couple of months. I'm sure one of them will fill in as the sarcastic voice of reason."

Richard shook his head, unable to let her playful remark lighten the weight in his heart. "You know no one can replace you." He smiled, but his eyes betrayed the sadness he was feeling. "We are going to miss you."

Raven sighed, the heaviness of her goodbye weighing on her like an invisible burden. "I'm going to miss all of you too." She admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

"When do you plan on leaving?" Richard asked, trying to come to terms with the reality of her departure.

"Tomorrow is my last day. I don't want to prolong the goodbyes." She replied, her tone a mixture of resolution and sorrow.

Richard nodded in acknowledgement, his heart aching at the thought of losing his friend and teammate. "When do you plan on telling the others?"

She wasn't looking forward to it. If telling Richard had already left her feeling disheartened, breaking the news to her other friends was going to be even more difficult. Raven glanced down, letting out a long sigh as she braced herself for the emotional task ahead. "I plan to tell each of them privately tomorrow." She answered softly.

Richard continued to look at her, his expression filled with sorrow. "You know this is going to be hard for them." He said, his voice reflecting the concern he had for the rest of the Titans.

"I know." Raven said, her heart heavy with the knowledge of the impact her departure would have on her friends and the team. Despite the bittersweet nature of her decision, she knew that sometimes, the path to finding her own sense of normalcy had to be walked alone.


The next morning, Raven began her morning routine, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy before she broke the news to the others. She silently made her way into the kitchen, a place that had become a familiar sanctuary for the Titans.

Ignoring the obnoxious banter from the TV area, where Victor and Garfield were once again arguing over a video game, she focused on her teapot. The two had grown up significantly over the years, yet their playful bickering seemed like an ever-present constant. Despite how their arguing often annoyed her, she knew she would miss their child-like behavior once she was gone.

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