Chapter Two: Reconcile.

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It wasn't long before the Teen Titans successfully cleared the chaos on the bridge, ensuring the safety of everyone involved. Emergency responders arrived promptly to tend to the injured and transport them to the hospital. And soon the traffic gradually resumed its normal flow. With no fatalities and only a couple people seriously injured, the mission was deemed successful.

With a sense of relief and accomplishment, the Teen Titans all regrouped at the Tower. The atmosphere was filled with a contagious mixture of excitement and triumph, the team members eager to celebrate their successful mission and the return of their dear friend.

Unable to contain her excitement, Kori's face lit up with pure joy as she rushed over to her friend, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "Raven, I am so happy that you have returned!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight. As she released the embrace, she looked at Raven with an eager gaze, her curiosity overflowing. "How was New York? How was living on your own? How was college?" She asked, her excitement getting the better of her as she bombarded Raven with questions.

Raven couldn't help but smile at Kori's enthusiasm, appreciating her friend's genuine interest in her life during her absence. "New York was a different experience, but I learned a lot." She replied. "Living on my own had its challenges, but it also gave me the opportunity to discover my independence. And I finished one semester of college and felt like that was enough."

"If it was so great, then why did you come back?" Garfield's bitter question hung in the air, his crossed arms displaying his defensive stance.

"Garfield." Kori scolded, meeting his gaze with a disapproving frown. Despite understanding that his harshness was a result of his underlying pain, she did not condone his harsh words.

Raven took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Garfield's with a calm determination. "I wanted to experience a normal life, and I did. And while I enjoyed it very much, there was something that kept calling me back home to the Tower." She replied, her voice carrying a tinge of amusement as she shifted her gaze towards Richard, a subtle smirk playing on her lips. "Seems like I'm not the only one."

"Raven, I would like to introduce you to the new Teen Titans." Kori said excitedly, gesturing towards the group of teenagers gathered nearby. "This is Cassie, Conner, and Bart. Oh, and Damian just arrived today!"

Raven's gaze swept over the young faces, her smile genuine. "That's quite the team you've assembled, Kori." She complimented, a sense of pride evident in her voice. "I'm very proud of you."

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think this calls for a celebration." Bart chimed in, holding up his phone. "Who wants pizza?"

Richard watched as the room was filled with young smiles and youthful enthusiasm, the scene causing a warm feeling to spread across his chest. After a year of Bruce's stoic expression, he reveled in the joyous emotions displayed by the young team.

"What about you, Richard?" Bart asked, turning to the former leader. "What kind of pizza do you want?"

The question quickly pulled Richard out of his trance as he was forced to recall what kind of pizza he preferred. "Um, I like pepperoni." He answered.

"Okay, Richard and Cassie want pepperoni. Conner and I will get cheese, Damian is too good for pizza." Bart teased, glancing at the young Robin. "And Kori will get a specialty. Gar, you want your veggie?" He asked, turning to the changeling.

"I'll pass." Garfield responded dejectedly before turning and coldly leaving the room.

Bart, taken aback by his friend's sudden departure, looked to the others with a questioning gaze. "What's up with him?"

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