Chapter Four: And then there were two.

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Richard briskly strode into his dimly lit bedroom. Each step seemed to echo, creating an atmosphere of urgency. With a sense of haste, he flicked on the room's light. His phone illuminated his face with eerie shadows as he prepared to answer the incoming video call, casting a dramatic aura in his private space.

"Hello, Bruce." He answered, his eyes locked on the ever-stoic figure displayed on the screen. Bruce Wayne was a man of few words, particularly in personal conversations. Richard knew that Bruce didn't call just to chat, so he put on a serious face, prepared to delve into the matter at hand.

"Dick." Bruce acknowledged in his characteristically composed manner. "There is something important I would like to discuss."

The gravity in Bruce's voice was immediately apparent, setting the tone for the conversation. Richard's jaw tensed as he anticipated that this call would disrupt the already demanding rhythm of his life. He adjusted his stance, his expression transitioning into one of unwavering attention.

"What is it?" Richard inquired, his eyes locked onto the screen, seeking the truth behind Bruce's call.

"There has been a new predicament here, and I need you to come to Gotham." Bruce explained, his tone carrying a weight that was impossible to ignore.

"Predicament?" Richard pressed, hating when Bruce was ambiguous. He was well-acquainted with Bruce's tendency to withhold information, revealing only what was absolutely necessary. "Care to tell me what the predicament is?"

Bruce's gaze remained resolute, his eyes unwavering in their intensity. "It's on a need-to-know basis." He replied, his firmness sparking frustration in Richard. "But it's crucial that you return to the manor."

The room's atmosphere grew denser as Richard grappled with the weight of the situation. "Bruce, this isn't a good time." He confessed, his exasperation evident. "I can't just pack up and leave. I'm sure you are well aware that we have new members coming soon, and we just lost an important teammate."

"It's important." Bruce repeated, his voice underscoring the gravity of the matter.

"How important can it be if you can't even tell me what it is?" Richard retorted, his anger bubbling to the surface. "What's happening here is important too, and I can't just leave my team shorthanded."

Bruce's next words delivered with a solemn tone, struck Richard like a tidal wave. "It's Ra's Al Ghul. He's dead."

Stunned and wide-eyed, Richard stared at his phone in disbelief. The name Ra's Al Ghul carried immense weight in the world of crime-fighting. The implications of his demise were colossal. While he was still frustrated that he had to practically beg Bruce to reveal the nature of the crisis, Richard now understood how important it was that he returned to Gotham.

"Let me talk it over with the team." He told Bruce before ending the call.

Gently placing his phone on the dresser, Richard felt a foreboding presence envelop him. This was no ordinary situation. If circumstances at the tower were different, he wouldn't hesitate to pack up and leave. But his team needed him right now. His friends were hurting with Raven's abrupt departure, and they depended on his leadership for the new recruits.

As he surveyed his room, a repository of memories from battles fought and victories achieved, it seemed as if his past was beckoning him back to Gotham. But for now, the weight of his responsibility to his team kept him grounded. He was torn between the loyalty he owed to both his mentor and his team. The timing just wasn't right.

"Richard." Kori began, her gentle voice cutting through the tense air of his room. He turned towards the open door, where she stood, staring at him. "You should go." She told him, her voice gentle but resolute, her sad eyes conveying her emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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