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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧

Story telling POV
(Lilith's POV)

This turtle apparently is a stand user? Honestly, I would've never expected that. Lets hope the enemy doesn't expect it either.

"The key fit perfectly on the shell of this turtle. When me and Lilith put the key in, the turtles ability turned on somehow, and the key became an entrance to this space. We can hide inside the turtle."

Narancia looks up, confused. "The turtle is a stand user?"

He lifts his hand up, teleporting his arm and his head out of the turtle. He goes back inside, amazed. "Woah! Thats so awesome!"

"Well, I might as well sit down.." I mumble.

Walking over to the sofa, I sit next to Giorno. I notice him dozing off with his head down making me laugh. He jolts up, looking straight at me with a line of drool on his face.

"Oh, I didn't mean to disturb you Giorno."

He smiles softly at me. "It's fine, dont worry about it.." He says tiredly.

Trying not to disturb Giorno, I walk over to Mista. He turns his head at me and grins. "Heyy! If it isn't my favorite princess in all of Italy?"

Laughing, I stand next to him and lean on the wall. "Hey Mista, " I say while smiling.

"You know, has anyone told you that you look gorgeous in that... Short dress of yours.." He eyes my body up and down.

Snapping out of his own fantasies, he walks over to the mini fridge. "Lilith, Narancia, do you two want anything? We have water, sparkling water, soda, and a whole bunch of juice."

I look at the mini fridge, eyeing the drinks. "Sure, I'll take some sparkling water."

"What about you Narancia?"

Narancia doesn't respond, he just stands there stretching.

"Hey! You listening to me?"

"Huh?!" He yells, leaning his ear in the direction of Mista. "You need to speak louder!"

"I said, do you want anything to drink?!"

"Man, I really want something warm to drink right now.." Narancia says, walking over to the chair next to him.

I look at Mista in confusion. "Is he okay?"

Mista shrugs. "No clue. He's actin' like my grandpa right now."

Narancia sits down, complaining to himself loudly. "Man, my bones won't stop aching. My back hurts like hell." He looks down at the Magazine on the table. "Basking in a garden like this would take me back to my childhood."

Mista yells at Narancia, frustrated. "Narancia! Do you want to drink anything or not!?"

"Huh? What'd you say?!" He yells back. "Hm.. A banana sounds good right now." He grabs a banana, peeling the top. "I'm hungry.."

"Are you aright Narancia?" I ask, making sure to raise my voice. He looks at me and coughs something out of his mouth. I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

At closer inspection, I realize whatever is hanging out of his mouth is a tooth.

Mista looks at Narancia freaked out. "Ha ha ha, very funny Narancia! Not the time for jokes man!" He walks up to Narancia, looking at the tooth hanging out of his mouth.

"Thats disgusting! What the hell is wrong with you?"

Suddenly, the tips of Narancia's hair turn grey. "This banana, " he starts, "Is hard as stale Jerky! Disgusting, this is a old banana!"

"What the fuck?" I ask, staring at him in disbelief.

"Not funny Narancia! Cut it out!" Mista says as he creeps towards Narancia cautiously.

"Hey your starting to scare me Narancia. It almost looks like that thing coming out of your mouth is a tooth.."

I gulp, looking at mista. "Mista, I think that's.. A actual tooth."

"What? No way! This has to be some sort of prank.. Right? I appreciate the commitment to the joke, but I think he's taking it a bit too far.."

Looking at Narancia I notice now that his entire head of hair is gray, with his skin wrinkly and pale..

"You say something again Mista? Speak louder! Stop whispering would ya?!"

I gasp in realization, looking at the others around in room. "Bruno! Its a stand!"

He jolts up, looking around the room. "I see! It's a stand attack. One of our enemies is on this train with us."

Narancia accidentally grabs a waft of grey hair from his head and holds it in is palm. I look at him with disgust.

"Who's hair is this? Did this come off of my head?" He looks at his reflection. "What the?!"

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Giorno says waking up. "Who are we fighting now?"

I look at Giorno in awe. He's so... Old.

Apparently he noticed my frightened stare and proceeds to touch his face, feeling the wrinkles.

Everyone in the room seems to have grown old, including the fruit and flowers. But why are only a few of us not being affected?

Mista holds his gun out, ready go shoot. "This stand makes people older? So they figured us out?!"

Bruno shakes his head. "If they did, they would've attacked us directly."

I look at mista, walking over to him and tracing my finger on his eyebrow. "Mista, " I whisper, "Your hair is greying too.."

He touches his other eye brow, looking shocked. "Ack, not me too?!"

If they dont know where we are, I guess we'll have to surprise them and fight them. I need to prepare myself to use my Stand.

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