Chapter 1

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The beginning

"I don't know how else I can say this to make you believe me but I didn't do any fucking thing and this is absurd, I mean I wasn't even around when it happened so how the hell was it me. I need a fucking lawyer".

My goodness I was so angry, I've never seen me this upset about anything before but that's because I've never been accused of things I didn't do and the worse part? I was about to be arrested for goodness sake so why won't i be?

"You need to calm down miss or things will not end well for you. All we need right now is your cooperation and the truth".

"The truth?" I scoffed because that's exactly what I've been trying to tell them but no one is willing to listen to me "I've been saying the god damn truth and you asshats aren't listening to me. I said I didn't do jackshit and you insist on dragging me into this. I'm sure the only reason why you don't want to believe me even though you know I'm saying the truth is probably because you're sleeping with her" then I spat on the floor.

"Say that one more time and the next thing you'll spit out is blood"

"Fuck you, fuck all of you. You can keep sleeping with this no good two face scheming bitchy liar but I'm not going to say anything till I get a fucking lawyer"

"Take her away"

"I AM INNOCENT AND YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO ME, IT'S AGAINST MY FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. FUCK YOU ALL, AHHHHH" the last thing I remember was them dragging me and locking me up. I didn't know how to feel, my palms were already ice cold and I suddenly realised that I was about to go to jail for a crime I didn't commit and just like that my anxiety got the best of me and I curled myself on the cold hard floor and just let out the burning tears I've tried to keep at bay all this time. I had lost and I didn't know what to do anymore.

10 months earlier

"Do I really have to? You know I'm not exactly the best when it comes to people and what if she's not really friendly. I hate noise, why can't I just rent an apartment? It's more comfortable and the best part is, I won't have to deal with people's bullcrap" God, I hate school and the worse part is moving to college. I get nervous everytime I have to resume a new session because I know I'll be getting a new roommate and if there's one thing people don't know about me, it's the fact that I've never been lucky in the roommate department. Let's just say, I'm not the problem.

Hi, I'm Iris Goldstein and I'm 19. I'm a 3rd year law student and to be honest, I'm still confused about life. I don't know what I want to do with my life and I'm just trying anything to figure out what I want. Most people think I have my life figured out but that's far from the truth and to be honest, I don't really correct them.

I attend a public university because my dad wants me to stay close to home not because he misses me although that is a factor but also because of my health, not that I have cancer or anything but I've had a few health scares and he wants me to stay close so he could monitor things.

I have four siblings but the two older girls are married and the last two are still in high school and pre-K so yay me, I guess. I'll say my life is perfect because I don't date and I only have two friends, the less the better trust me. I've had my fair share of betrayal and I try to live my life as bulletproof as possible but you can't always predict the future and well life always finds a way to fuck things up.

Every year we get assigned new rooms and room mate and trust me, I'm never lucky in that department. Am I socially awkward? yes. Am I introverted? Yes. Do I enjoy my own company? Yes. But I am a very loving and caring person.

For someone who barely has anything to say, I've had my fair share of scandals but no one knows about it and I intend to keep it that way.

My first roommate was Extra churchy and she was really judgemental too, so we didn't really have alot to talk about except her telling me over and again that I'm a bloody sinner and I'll go to hell. I'll never forget the time I left a dead bird under her covers. You can only imagine her reaction, it was priceless. One moment she was laughing and talking to whoever it was through her airpods and the next she's screaming and she trying to cleans her side of the room. It was Hella funny.

My second room mate was more of a hot and cold person. I could never predict her moods because she was always having episodes, some days she's cool and others not so much. Let's not forget her toxic relationships with abusive guys and the fact she keeps falling for the same type of guys, I guess she's use to it. One day I'm her therapist who buys her buckets of ice cream and gives her advice and the next I'm someone she's talking about with her friends. They give off mean girls energy, like get over yourself. I'll never forget her nickname "bad bitch Joan". For someone named Joan I don't think bad bitch should be added.

"Listen to me honey, everything is going to be fine. Do you trust me?" my mom has a gift and that's making me believe in things she says even when I know they would never happen. Like the time she told me I'll get married to Maluma, I knew it wasn't possible but I still believed her, why? Because she had the ability to make you believe in the impossible.

"I do mom but I'm starting to lose hope, what if this time it's worse? Everytime I get a new roommate it's like my anxiety level reaches a new high and I'm just so sick of it" I was packing the last of my things before leaving for school. I mean it's not like school started two weeks ago and I've been faking my own sickness just so I won't have to check into the hostel and find the latest witch I have as a roommate. God I hate school, someday when I become famous I'm going to write a book about my experience in school but for now I have to attend.

"Iris you need to hurry up, I hope you packed your antidepressants and anxiety pills?" Yep that's my dad, always showing how much he loves me.

"Yes daddy" this was my last chance to get him to change his mind and make me home school "daddy" I said while batting my eyes at him "can I-"

"If this is about you not going to school, you can forget about it, now move your things into the car and let's go" Sigh.

To be honest when I got to the hall warden's office to get my new room assignment, I didn't know that it was going to be the beginning of a night mare and how I got to this point in my life but if I'm being honest, the signs were there from the very beginning, I just wasn't paying attention.

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