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Snapping open his eyes, Chuuya tried to recall the past events but somehow, his mind was dizzy. He sat up slowly, struggling to support himself when he felt the sudden fatigue of his body.

He groaned as he lenaed back on the shelf next to the bed. That's when he realised why was he on the floor. He was about to stand up but the dangling sounds of chains made him wake up fully.

He glanced down and there were chains dangling from one foot. He cursed softly to himself and tried removing it with his ability but apparently it didn't work.

"You're awake Chuuya!" An ecstatic voice called out to the ginger. A brunette came walking in.

"Wait....what happened?" The ginger asked, his head still foggy.

"Oh, love, you suddenly knocked out. I was so worried." The brunette answered as he kneeled in front of the ginger and gave a peck on the other's nose.

Chuuya nodded but raised a brow, "Then why the chain?" The ginger raised his leg, showing the other the chain.

'Dazai' chuckled, "Sorry, I was just taking precautions." He hastily unlocked the chain and the ginger sighed, standing up and stretching.

"I'll go get dinner..." The ginger suggested but was immediately stopped by the brunette.

"Don't worry baby, I'll do it. You stay at home and rest. Call me if you need anything."

With that the brunette pushed the ginger down to the bed and went out, the sound of the main door shutting was heard.

Chuuya sighed in exasperation.

"Blue dot is real me and none is fake."

The ginger sat up and his eyes widened. "That Dazai didn't have a blue dot on his palm. He's fake." The ginger mumbled to himself.

Then where's the real Dazai?

Chuuya immediately sat up, walking out of the bed room and started wearing his coat.

He has to find the real Dazai.


The brunette gasped as he sat up hastily. He immediately glanced around and when he saw a familiar purple haired lady come in. 

"Seems like that adventure took a huge toll on you." A comforting smile flashed on her face.

The brunette's legs swung out of the covers and he immediately stood up, "Tell Kei let me go in again. I need to make Chuuya wake up."

As soon as the brunette stood up, he wavered and fell forward. Thankfully Yasano was there to support him. "A side effect of that device makes you mentally tired. Rest for a while before trying again. Kei isn't going anywhere."

Dazai gritted his teeth as Yasano supported him back to the bed. "I have to hurry before that clone does something to Chuuya."

"A clone?"

"Yes. There's another me in Chuuya's mind. Knowing Chuuya, he's probably confused."

Yasano nodded understandingly, "I'll call Kei to come back. Don't worry, we'll get Chuuya back."

Dazai gave a smile full of gratitude to Yasano as he ate a few apples on the night stand.


"Chuuya, I'm home...?" 'Dazai' closed the door silently as he placed the bags of food on the island of the kitchen and went into the bedroom only to see the ginger missing. 

"That brat..." the brunette mumbled as he slid a dagger into it's holder underneath his coat and went out again.

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