Mental Health| Sugarhill Ddot

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Ddots Pov
"Yo D you good? You a lil green and you staring into space". Did someone say something? My chest is mad tight and I feel like I'm going to pass out and throw up  altogether. "mm I'm aii this eddy not hitting bru" I say. I get to go to the bathroom and everything goes black.


"YO WTF" I say running out the studio and to Ddot. Jay, Notti and Star rush over as well. "Someone get him some water and a trash can in case he starts throwing up and call y/n" JStar says. I get up to get him some water whilst I'm on the phone with y/n "hi dd is everything okay" "Nah bro Ddot just passed out he took a eddy earlier nigga started turning green can you pull up?" "I'm on my way"

Y/ns pov
Lately D has been getting distant and he's been having a lot of nightmares. I wake up in the middle of the night to him crying and I've been trying to help him but instead he turns to drugs and the studio. I arrive at the studio to see Jay putting a rubber band in Darrians hair, Notti holding a water bottle and D throwing up into a trash can. I rush over to his side "Darrian what happened?" "Nothing ma I just took an eddy and that bih wasn't hitting that shit made my stomach hurt" he replied. "D are you ready to go home? I drove my car"  "Ok aii y'all safety" he said and walked to my car. " Darrien we have to talk, you've been getting so distant and having nightmares and you won't talk to me and I just want to be there for you. And not to mention the fact you've been spending more time in the studio and taking shit you've never took before, you swore up and down you would never take a eddy now look at you." I said while driving. " sorry ma I ain't think of it like that I've just been struggling with my mental health shit for a while and I let it pile up instead of talking about it I love you" " I love you too D"

376 words
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