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Autor note:
Btw, Sasha comes from Mia's world, I just forgot xd

<Mia's world>
(Mia's view)

Mia, Paula and Vincent are on their way to math class when an unknown girl who seems to be new to the school walks past them... She didn't look really friendly but rather nasty, like Violetta back then, but fortunately she has changed .. This girl had blonde hair with some blue dyed highlights in her hair, she had blue eyes to match the highlights. her hair was tied in a high braid.
Then I accidentally ran into the new girl

???: Ugh! Ouch, don't you have eyes?

Mia: I'm sorry! haven't seen you..

???: Then you have to be incredibly stupid or incredibly blind.

Paula: She apologized, and besides, it happens to everyone?

???: Well not me

Mia: I'm really sorry..

???: You should too!

Mia: Maybe we should make a fresh start? i am mia.

???: Fine, my name is sasha. But don't think we can be friends! I don't hang out with losers!!

Vincent: okaaaay?... But we are not losers!

Sasha: No? Take a look, you look very stupid

Vincent: We're twice as smart as you!!

Sasha: Pff, just get out of my way

Sasha walked away with some embarrassment. Her look was wonderful afterwards
After class my bracelet started blinking again and I couldn't wait to see Yuko, mo, onchao and that Felicia again. I went to my room and got my book out of my backpack and I translate the runes. I pressed my bracelet and that voice came back

The voice: Hello Mia, what's your password?

Mia: Don't trust the evil elf

Mia dissipated and teleported to centopia


Sasha's view

I was just in my room until I DISSOLVED? I was thrown out of a portal and hit the hard ground in front of a cave. I look around a bit with my eyes and noticed that I'm not in my world anymore, here it looked very colorful apart from this disgusting cave. i saw people No wait fairies? elves? They were flying over me and one of them saw me and stopped immediately. It, she.. oh no idea seemed to call the other flying worms. Should I rather hide? I turned to walk away until something wet hit me, then I shrank. The three flying creatures flew to me and said something, But what I don't remember anymore. They lifted me up but I bit and he immediately dropped me.. then they had this stupid idea to tie me up So I couldn't do anything Except yelling at her to put me down and leave me alone. They didn't do it... They took me to a veeery big mountain or crater With a golden palace in the middle.. I would like to know what it looked like from the inside.. There were twice as many elves flying around here, but 6 elves just stood there and talked or something, two of which looked somehow different, somehow bigger than the others. These stupid three elves locked me in some kind of cage and I didn't do anything except sit in front of an ugly cave and look aroand.. You then went to the 6 elves + a unicorn and a goat on two legs?.. This world just keeps getting weirder...

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