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!!little smut stuff ^^!!

Mia's pov

It was February 14th.. Valentine's Day. Day of love and.. roses? Whether it's also Valentine's Day in centopia or is there a Valentine's Day there? I have no idea... I'll find out at some point...I hope today!


So far I haven't gotten a present from a boy or girl.. actually didn't interest me either.

I walked through the school and saw roses and red hearts balloons everywhere.. a bit too... Romantic? Well, it doesn't matter.. there were also a lot of couples who brought gifts to each other And chocolate.. reminds me of that 'friendship day' in centopia only without roses, heart ballongs..

paula: hey mia! Did you already get a gift?

Mia: No, not yet. But I don't need one either


Mia: uh-.. Not all?

Paula: If you think so.. oh yes your bracelet lights up

I looked at my bracelet to see if she was right..OH! Yep she is.

I went to my room and took my book out of my bag. I opened to a page and ran my hand over the runes.

Bracelet: Hello Mia, what is your password?

Mia: valentines day

I think the question has been resolved.

I flew out of the tunnel and landed in the elven crater where everything was beautifully decorated. Like in boarding school. I have a feeling that Valentine's Day is haunting me..

I flew a bit and looked for Yuko,mo,onchao and felicia.. After a few minutes I finally saw Felicia and she had something behind her back.?..

Mia: Hey Felicia! What do you have behind your back?

I tried to see what's behind her back. But she turned quickly so I couldn't see anything.

Felicia: oh hey mia! Uhhh I have nothing behind my back.. haha?

Mia: mhh.. okayy Where are Yuko and mo?

Felicia: I think in the palace or unicorn meadow? I have no idea..

Mia: Aha?? I ask someone else then?


~felicia's pov~

Phew.. that was close.. I picked the prettiest flowers I could find to give the sash-.. uhh I mean to someone.. Ok fine.. I'll give it to Sasha. I hope nobody sees me

I flew all over the island to look for Sasha. But I couldn't find her anywhere.. maybe in the cave from last time. I flew to the cave and found gargona and... SASHA!! Finally! I put the flowers in front of the cave and luckily they didn't see me. I went to a bush and hid there .

Felicia •• The new elf ••Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora