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{author note}

I'm sorry I haven't posted it for 6 days xd. I had a lot of stress at school and generally had no motivation and I hadn't had any ideas anyway XD so blame me xDD
I'll try to post more now :)



• Mia's pov •

I was walking out of that boring story class until I saw ugh.. Sasha. She annoyed younger people, And took that food away from them. I decided to help them and shoo away sasha.

Mia: Sasha.. just leave them alone.. what did they do to you huh?

Sasha: Mia... Stay out of it, okay?

Mia: No, leave them alone

Sasha: Ugh.. fineee.. I'll leave them alone.. [whispers] Spoilsport..

Sasha dropped the boxes and walked away.. I went to the younger ones who looked very scared. She also appeared to be new to this school

Mia: Are you okay??

Kid 1: Yes.. thank you for shooing that Sasha or whatever her name is away

A child noticed my bracelet flashing

Kid 2: Should it be that your bracelet starts blinking?

Mia: What?.. OH! Ummmm yes it should be like this.. I have to go now!

I quickly went to a closet and pulled out my book.. I opened it and saw the runes floating, I translated the runes and pressed my bracelet

Voice; Hello Mia, what's your password?

Mia: In the night you will learn something that no one thought

There was 'elven dust' all around me and I was thrown into a honey colored portal. I turn into an elf and was then thrown out of the portal. I flew out of the portal and saw that it was already night in centopia, centopia is sooo beautiful at night

Mia: Wow. I love centopia at night. Maybe Yuko or Mo are still awake.

I tapped my friendship ring twice

Mia: to yuko

The butterfly began to fly and flew towards the palacepalace. I then flew my butterfly after it

I looked around the palace a bit but didn't see anyone, it looks like everyone is already asleep..The stupid thing is I don't know where yuko's or mo's room was.. I went back to the main entrance and looked there, maybe someone is still awake. I didn't know it was so dark down here, I couldn't see anything but those pink curtains . Suddenly I heard something afterwards, it sounded like someone was loading their gun to shoot me. I turned and saw a slightly larger figure. I got scared and quickly flew out of the palace..

Felicia •• The new elf ••Where stories live. Discover now