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radiant blaze, or rather wooyoung, was utterly drained

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radiant blaze, or rather wooyoung, was utterly drained. every day seemed to take a heavier toll on him. he couldn't keep up with shadowstrike's constant ambushes, always anticipating his every move. the villain had become his worst nightmare, and he had no idea how to defeat him.

the constant media scrutiny only made things worse. every time he went out, reporters would hound him with questions, all wanting to know about shadowstrike and the recent failures. the pressure was suffocating, and he didn't know how to handle it. and his father disappointment only added to his exhaustion.

his body was starting to break down under the constant stress. the leg pain that had once been manageable had become a constant throb, making even the smallest movements agony. even his shifts at the café were becoming unbearable, and all he wanted was to curl up in a ball and sleep for days. he couldn't believe he lost his light...

it didn't help that he couldn't stop thinking about san... about what he did wrong. why couldn't he just be happy for once in his life? when would he get to make the choices for himself? was he just not deserving ?

despite the love and support of his friends, wooyoung felt like he was drowning. the villain was always one step ahead, and he couldn't catch a break. he tried to put on a brave face, to be the hero that everyone expected him to be, but inside he was falling apart. he was just breaking little by little.

the young man dragged his body into the little bathroom of their apartment, and the first thing that came in his mind was to look at his reflection. he stared at himself in the mirror, slowly removing his clothes to reveal a body covered in bruises and scars. the once flawless skin was now rough and discolored, a painful reminder of the constant battles he faced recently. he felt his eyes sting with unshed tears as he ran his hands over his battered body, feeling every ache and pain.

exhaustion settled over him like a heavy blanket, and he couldn't help but wonder if it was all worth it. was it worth sacrificing his body and mental well-being for the sake of being a hero? he didn't know the answer. all he knew was that he was tired, so very tired.

wooyoung let out a choked sob, feeling the weight of his despair crushing down on him. he had never wanted to be a hero, however he did want to make a difference in the world, but now he wondered if it was all a mistake. should've he just put an end to his family legacy? was he really helping anyone? or was he just putting himself in harm's way for nothing?

he closed his eyes, the tears finally spilling over as he thought about all the things he had lost. his once-carefree spirit was gone, replaced by a deep sense of sadness and hopelessness. he had no idea how to escape the cycle he was trapped in.

as he stood there, naked and vulnerable, he realized just how much he had lost. his body was a shell of its former self, his mind a jumbled mess of anxiety and fear. he didn't know how to go on, but he knew he had to keep fighting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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