Chapter 1

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"What happened to your face? You look hideous!" My best friend, Lauren, stated laughing.

I sighed, "Nothing." I mumbled and looked away from her.


This was all too familiar.

I looked up, "Yeah?"

"What's going on at home?"

I shook my head and laid my head down on my desk.

"Okay." She whispered softly, patting my back.

I was dreading going home but if I didn't I would have a repeating cycle again like yesterday.

I slowly turned the knob to the house door and walked in.

I closed the door behind me trying to be as quiet as possible but it was impossible with my dad watching me come in.

My mom came from the kitchen but when she saw me, she sighed.

"Dinah, you have to change. You know how I don't do the whole gay thing." She looked hurt that I was gay.

"I know." This hurt me too, I didn't want to hurt my mom because I was gay. I can't help but be attracted to girls more.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you." I whispered, walking up the stairs to my room.

I locked the door.

You're strong Dinah. Lauren would want you to be strong for her.

A tear escaped my eye as I shook my head.

"Why can't I be straight?" I mumbled.

I thought I would survive another day but I was wrong when I was kicked to the ground and stomped on by my dad.

He hated me. He didn't want me. The sad thing was that my siblings had to watch this happen. I would beg them to help me. They wouldn't though. My little sister had to see me, even though she couldn't help me, she made me feel better after it though.

"Dinah!" Lauren.

"Yeah?" My voice was hoarse.

"Tell me what's going on right now. You look worse than yesterday."

"Nothing. I had got into a fight."

Lauren studied me for a bit until she sighed.

"Do me a favor."

Now it was I who was confused.

"What is it?"

"You won't let anyone control your life. Don't let anyone change you and don't change because of anyone."

"That's it?"


"Then what's the favor?"

"Run away. Live with me."


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