Chapter 3

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"Tell me what's on your mind, I'm here to help."

I thought about it for a moment and opened my mouth to speak.

"Im in love with a girl named Lauren. She's my best friend and she has really pretty emerald eyes. They're so beautiful. And when she looks up at people slowly it makes me feel way too gay. Do you understand me?" I had to catch my breath.

My consular gently laughed and nodded her head.

"She seems like a fascinating young lady. Do you happen to have a picture of her?"

I instantly pulled out my phone and flipped through the pictures of her. I kept going till I got to my favorite one, when we were sitting on the ground laughing and  I was staring at her the whole time smiling.

"You guise would be a cute couple."

I squealed, "Thank you so much, I know. She just got out of a break up though."

"How was counseling?" Lauren asked me, sitting next to me in Math class.

"We talked about you," I mumbled, we weren't supposed to talk in her class or we got a detention, "She said you were pretty and that we would make a perfect couple."

The teachers eyes met mine like she knew I was talking but I put my head down.

"I thought about it Dinah. I know with Brad and all, I want to experiment with you things I've never done before."

I raised my eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"I want to try with you but give me some time to open up okay?"

My heart was racing and tears welled up in my eyes. I nodded before a sob left my lips.

Everyone turned to look at me.

"Dinah, in the hallway please."  My teacher said.

"She just told me that if I wasn't stable to come back, I could go home but I decided to stay."

Lauren grabbed my wrist and lifted up my sleeve.

She kissed every scar. Old and new.

"You're beautiful. You're mine."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I smirked.

"So the girls and I were thinking about moving far away from here. Where no one else knows us."


"You know when."

"No!" I shook my head.

"Come on! Please! For me?" She pouted.

"We've been together less than an hour and you're already saying that." I sighed.

I snuck out of the house with my suitcases packed. The girls helped me.

Now we were on our way to her home town. My birthday was tomorrow and I was turning 18.

I never knew that when I turned 18 I'd be leaving everything behind.

I sat down in the truck and connected my hand with Laurens.

Lauren, Normani, and I were sitting in the back seat.

"We can live together. We've already bought houses but I decided I wanted to live with you." Lauren mumbled against my ear.

A shiver ran down my spine and I giggled.

My eyes caught Mani looking over at Ally with loving eyes and Ally was looking at her through the rearview mirror.

I smiled ,"Love is in the air."

I looked over at Ally who was blushing like crazy.

"Not while I'm driving to the airport guise." Camila scoffed.

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pants pocket.

"You'll come back to visit right?"

It was my brother. Why does he care?

"Only for Seth and Regina."

"Is it because I didn't save you?"

"That and because I'm with people who accept me."

"Mom is crying."

"This would've never happened if she hadn't let him abuse me so long."

I turned off my phone and laid my head on Normani shoulder.

"Mani, you have to be quiet. People are sleeping

" Ally's soft voice whispered.

"I can't when you are pleasuring me." Normani's voice was rushed.

"Don't make me kiss you."

"I'd like that."

I could hear soft moans. I turned my head to their direction to see Ally's fingers down Normani's pants.

I quickly closed my eyes.

They were together this whole time.

It took time to process this but I did.

I decided to wake up when they were finished.

"Hey, sleepy head." Ally smiled.

I shook my head, "Normani, who knew?" I smirked.

Her face was flushed, "knew what?"

"Normally was real!" I screeched.

"Oh yeah. Well, Ally and I knew."

A familiar scream erupted from behind us.


We jumped from our seat waking up Lauren in the process.

"You gave me a heart attack!" She hissed at us.

She saw the scared expressions on our faces and stood up too.

"What's wrong?"

We just walked away till we heard her scream come from the bathroom.

"Fucking take it you piece of shit."

My heart dropped. "Somebody has her."


excuse me if these chapters are short lol typing them on my phone you know.

It Was Written In Blood • LaurinahHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin