Chapter 4

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this rarely will happen in this story


Everyone fell asleep around me. I decided that maybe this will be the time to do it.

I sat down in Dinah lap and began a light assault on her plump lips. I began to rock my hips into hers and moaned into her mouth.

"Why did you ever choose Lauren?" I asked, knowing I wouldn't get an answer.

I saw movement out the corner of my eye and quickly moved from Dinah's lap back to my own seat.

I went to the bathroom to rinse off my face and sighed when the door was opened by a strong force.

They yanked me up and slammed me into the wall.

A cry of pain left my lips.

No words were exchanged ad the man began ripping off my clothes.

"Stop!" I cried. A clean break to the nose was what I got in response.

I was struggling to get from under him.

A scream left my lips and I got another punch to the face.

"Get off of her!" Dinah growled from behind him.

"Help" I screamed.

The moment we reached down in Miami the police took him and I was taken to the hospital.

"Camila?" Normani walked up towards me.


"You knew Dinah was with Lauren, why did you kiss her?" She whispered only so I could hear.

My heart was pounding.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Dinah basically cheated on her because of you."

A tear escaped my eye, "I couldn't control it."

She looked so disappointed in me.

That's when the arguing began.

"You had another girls lipstick on your face! Who was it?"

Dinah looked terrified as she shrugged, "I don't know" she cried.

"Maybe you're not ready for this."

"Don't break up!" I stopped Lauren.

"She was kissing another girl."

"She wasn't. I... I was kissing her while she fell asleep." I confessed.

If Lauren wasn't broken before, then she sure was now.

"I thought... I thought we were friends Camila?" Her voice cracked.

Dinah held Lauren while she cried.

"If I knew I would've stopped it baby, I swear."

Lauren shook her head. "They never said this was going to be so hard loving you." She cried in Dinah's shirt.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it Lauren." I whispered from the bed.

"I thought that you weren't gay... You always said that Camila."

"I feel so terrible right now." I sobbed. I kept wiping at my eyes and nose.

"Why me, Camila? What happened to Cheechee and Chancho? Friends forever." Dinah sounded hurt.

"Camila..." It was Ally.

"I know, you're going to say I messed up, I couldn't help it." I felt more tears well up in my eyes.

"They haven't been together for 48 hours and they already are broken."

My heart clenched.

"I'll leave you guise alone, if that's why you all keep giving me lectures..."

"Just, don't do anything to harm them again, Dinah really loves Lauren and now she doesn't want to fall asleep because she doesn't want it to happen again."

I sighed, "I want to talk to them."

I walked to their room and saw Lauren was wrapped up in Dinah's arms.

"You can sleep, I won't be a bother."

its not what u think lol. bye.

It Was Written In Blood • LaurinahDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora