Chapter 2

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"You have to stop beating her. You're taking it way too far."

"Its not okay to be gay." My dads voice growled.

"Just because you got stood up by a guy who didn't show up on a date with you doesn't mean abuse my daughter!" My moms voice rose.

Everything went silent after a loud slap echoed through the room.


I ran through the door seeing my mom holding her cheek.

"Hurt me, not my mom!" I rammed my dad into their dresser and I heard a crack.

"Get out mom! Take everyone to the car."

She didn't waste any time and she was out of the room.

"Ever since I was 13, this is payback." I stomped him. All I saw was red in my vision. I couldn't stop until my older brother tore me off of him.

"Calm down. Let's go."

"You never saved me." I looked at him.

"I'm sorry."

"I would save you in a heartbeat but you never saved me." I was hurt.

"He would've killed me."

"He almost killed me! You saw it everyday!" I screamed.

I shook myself from his grip and took Laurens advice.

I ran away.

I ran to her.

"Hey, Dinah. Lauren is upstairs."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Anything, honey."

"If Lauren was gay, would you accept her?"

She thought for a moment, "If girls are what make her happy then yeah, I'd do anything to see her with the love of her life."

I sighed. Why couldn't my family be like that?

"I'm in love with your daughter, Mrs. Jauregui."

She smiled at me, "I know. You sparkle just by saying her name... Go up to her."

I climbed the stairs to her room and entered.

Her eyes met mine, "Hey." She smiled at me.

"I ran away. Like you said."

She stood up from the chair she was sitting in and sat on her bed.

She motioned me to sit next to her. "Tell me everything."

Lauren stared at me in shock, "I wonder if my mom would do something like that."

"She wouldn't. I asked her. She nor I, would let anyone hurt you."

I turned to see movement out of my eyes to see my three best friends.

"So depressing in here." Normani mumbled and sat next to me.

"Um hello! What were y'all talking about and why does Dinah look like she went 10 rounds with Mufasa?" Ally laughed.

Lauren looked at me unsure until I nodded.

"Who is your girl crush?" Ally was like 3 centimeters away from my face until I pushed her back.

"I can't tell."

They scoffed, "IT'S LAUREN, WE KNOW!"

I looked at Lauren who's face was flushed and she smirked.

"Not so subtle with looks, Dinah." Lauren mumbled.

"You knew?"

"Since 9th grade."

Now I was the flushed one and put my head down.

"Its cute." Lauren said.

She isn't gay.

I looked at her and she must've knew. She cleared her throat.

"Brad and I just, you know..." She trailed off.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"What happened to you not going anywhere? What the hell happened?"

Lauren was standing over my hospital bed. "He beat my head into the wall and after that I went to my room... and I don't remember."

"You cut yourself. Deeply." She raised her eyebrow.

"I want to die. I can't live like this."

After I said that, several nurses came in after Lauren kept pressing the red button on the wall.

"She says she wants to die and I don't know..." Lauren was in tears.

My eyes dropped as they inserted something into my IV.

I looked around the hospital room I was assigned to and saw someone sitting in a corner.

"What are you doing?"

"You've been put on suicide watch." The lady came over to me. She studied me.

"Abuse is one thing no one should have to go through. Especially you. You're only 17. People need to realize that this could affect a persons future."

I just watched as she continued to tall her heart out.

"I'm gay." I told her.

"I know. The reason behind the abuse."

"If they don't want their kids to be gay then why do they have them? They tell you they're going to love you no matter what but all of this happens and..." I'm crying now and the lady has to calm me down.

"Why the fuck do girls have to be so attractive?" I pushed the lady away from me and continued to sob.

This is all bullshit.

It Was Written In Blood • LaurinahWhere stories live. Discover now