My friend stole my disks, then his day went like shit

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They were late. They were so late. 

Their class had ended ten minutes ago already, but the teacher had decided he wanted to talk to Tubbo and Tommy after school, and it'd been ten minutes that that exact same teacher was at their throat because they were laughing together instead of listening to the class. Which was, honestly, not that interessant from Tommy's point of view. But that's not what mattered right now. What mattered is that they were late. 

Nearly sprinting in the corridors they finally managed to make it to the club's door. Door that they brutally opened, a loud bang echoing throughout the whole room.

"What did that door ever do to you?" a voice asked, scoffing.

"Ahah, you're so funny George." Tommy deadpanned.

"Damn, what happened to you guys, you two look like shit."

"Or like, we ran a whole marathon." Tubbo sighted.

"You two are okay?" Dream asked, a bit more worried.

"Yep. We just hate teachers… and running." 

"And running." Tubbo repeated.

Dream smiled slightly as the two youngest walked past him to join the rest of the club on the front row.

"Who's this?"

"Oh, hello guys!" Sapnap answered instead. 

"Hello Sap!" Tubbo said, still walking along Tommy.

The group was sitting in a circle. Some chairs had been moved to fit in the circle at the bottom of the stage, where two unknown faces were talking with the other members. Tommy could see that both of them were from second year. The smaller one had ginger hair and a sly smile on his face that the blonde could describe as 'foxy'. The taller one was a dirty blond guy, and seemed to be made to play American football -or any kind of sport like this.-

"Tommy, Tubbo, these are the new members : Fundy," Dream started directing his hand to the smaller one. "And Punz." He finished, showing the taller one with his hand.

"Hey I recognize you!" Tubbo exclaimed, addressing Fundy. "You were part of the music club with me, I remember you playing the piano." 

"Aye, it's me!" Fundy said before starting a new conversation with Tubbo who seemed excited at the idea. 

"It's nice meeting you Tommy." Punz said.

"Nice meeting you as well." 

They both had a little exchange, Sapnap intruding on them rather quickly so he could talk with them. Tommy then learnt they both were in the same American football team. And that the dirty blonde had learnt about the drama club one day and had asked Sapnap if he could join.

Remembering something, Tommy shot out of his chair, which surprised the club members who relaxed quickly after. He nearly went running to his bag against the stage and pulled out something, quickly hiding it behind his back as he made his way back to the group.

"Dream, look what I've got!" Tommy exclaimed, when he got close enough to the circle. He was holding two disks in his hand, showing them off. "This one," he said looking at a vinyl with purple and white stripes. "is called Mellohi, while this one is named Cat." he finished, pointing at the vinyl with a green center.

"Oh nice." Dream said with a smug smile, as he got up and approached the blonde. In a swift movement, he had both disks in one hand. "They're mine now." He added amused.

"What no! Give them back!" Tommy exclaimed, reaching for his disks. 

Dream put them over his head, his height making it hard for Tommy to reach them. He was shouting in annoyment while jumping to try and grab them from Dream, causing laughs from the rest of their friends. Not wanting to really anger the younger, the second year wondered if he took it too far, however the look on Tommy's face made it clear it felt like a challenge to him, a game he had to win.

When Dream exited the club's room this afternoon – the others having already left – he passed by Philza's office whose door was always left open.

"Dream, wait a second please."

The student turned, now facing the door frame. He pushed on the doorknob slightly so he could see the integrity of the teacher's office before stepping in slowly.

"Do uh- have I done- something?" His words fell anxiously from his mouth, he didn't think he had something to blame himself for; but being stopped by a teacher was always stressful.

"No, of course not." The teacher smiled, looking softly at his student. "I needed to talk with you about the drama club…"

"Oh! We got plenty of new members actually, everyone is really nice and getting along well!" Dream acquired excitedly.

"That's really nice mate!" Phil smiled again. "But this isn't exactly what I wanted to talk about…" His face fell slightly and he took a big inhale before getting up from where he was sitting. "The headmaster made it clear he wanted a play to happen this year."

"What- but! I thought we agree that with what happened last year we-"

"I know Dream, I told him but it was no use. His mind is set, 'when you take part in a club you have to do the corresponding activities and present them in the year'."

"But that's stupid!" Dream exclaimed, his hands in the air. "We're not ready yet, not after… Alyssa…"

"Dream… I know you blame yourself for what happened to her, but none of it was your fault."

"But I'm the one who-" He sighed, not finishing his sentence. "I could have prevented it…"

"No one knew something like that would have happened, you couldn't have done anything, even if you'd wanted to."

A tear fell.

"Come here…"

Phil engulfed him in a hug, warmness spreading around Dream's heavy thoughts, making them bearable at least for a little while. 

"I'll be there. I'm going to help you. I won't leave you guys alone…" Phil muttered in Dream's hair, loud enough for the kid to hear, and for him to know it was okay.

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