Chapter 3

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Later That Day

It was now the evening and those that didn't have night classes and lived off campus were either at their homes or working. Shannon Cipher and Maxis Johnson were at their own houses, meanwhile Maxis' brother, Kyle, was the unlucky one because he was stuck at work but he would soon be getting off.

At the current moment, Maxis was in her room, finishing up one of the many study guides she was creating for her finals, since those were quickly approaching.


After taking a good thirty minutes to look over her notes, Maxis decided it was time to take a break. She would scroll through her phone for a few moments before leaving her room to go downstairs and into the kitchen.

As she entered the kitchen, she noticed that something was off. The back door to the house was hanging wide open. She immediately became confused, since she didn't remember opening the back door when she came home, nor did she remember her brother using the back door, either.

Maxis cautiously approached the door and poked her head outside, just to see if anyone was out there. When she saw that no one was there, she closed the back door and also locked it.

She sighs as she heads into the kitchen for a bottle of water and stick of string cheese as a snack. She would then head over to the kitchen counter and unlocks her phone to check the time and noticed that Kyle wasn't there yet. She decided to text her brother asking him "Where are you at?". Because Maxis knew that Kyle was running late tonight when she was told eariler that he would be around this time.

For a few minutes, Maxis stared at her phone and takes a sip of her water and bite of her string cheese. When her phone starts to vibrate and it was an "unknown number". Maxis hits the ignore button, but it started to go off again and she hits the same thing. But on the last one, She sighs as she answers the phone call.

"Hello?" Maxis asked as she sat there at the kitchen counter waiting for a reply on the other end.

"Hello, Maxis~" A Robotic voice on the other end of the phone call

That chilling, robotic sounding voice belonged to none other than Ghostface.

"Who is this?" Maxis asked, raising a brow as she listened to the robotic voice.

Ghostface chuckled, "why don't you tell me~?"

Taking a look at the blank Caller ID, Maxis sighed, "Well, you're not my idiot brother." She joked, "are you David?"

"Would you like for me to be David~?" Ghostface asked.

"So you're not David?" Maxis asked, taking another look at the blank Caller ID.

"No~" Ghostface simply stated before changing the subject, "strange week, huh~?"

"What do you mean?" Maxis asked.

"With the murders of those two college students from Blackwood~" Ghostface replied, "it really is a shame what I did to that bitch, Crystal Meadows and her boyfriend, Hugo~" Ghostface chuckled afterwards.

Maxis was horrified, "You sick fuck." She muttered, obviously realizing that the person she was chatting with was the killer.

Ghostface chuckled, "What's wrong Maxis, are you getting scared~?"

Maxis would be lying if she said she wasn't, but she couldn't let them know that she was.

"No, what would i have to be scared about?" Maxis says while rolling her eyes

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