Chapter 4 A Journey Begins

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We all lined up as we listened to Professor Oak's speech "Now that all of you are here, I can explain what Pokémon you can choose out of, and since there's 4 of you there is an extra starter Pokémon". He opened all the pokeballs one by one to reveal the starter Pokémon. "The green Pokémon on the left is called Bulbasaur it has 2 types poison and grass otherwise known as a dual type Pokémon. The red Pokémon on the right side of Bulbasaur is the fire type Pokémon called Charmander, it has great fire power but will stop listening to its trainer if it deems you weak or unworthy of its respect. The blue Pokémon next to Charmander is called Squirtle it's a water type Pokémon that can fight on land and in the sea with ease. Lastly the Yellow Pokémon is called Pikachu it's an electric type, Pikachu's tail is sometimes struck by lightning as it raises it to check its surroundings. So now you all know what these Pokémon are go ahead and choose your partner". We all grinned in excitement and slowly walked up to the Pokémon and introduced ourselves to them.

"Hi Charmander, how would you like to become my Pokémon? I know we can be great partners and we can grow strong together." I say to Charmander with a soft smile on my face. It thought about it for a little while before nodding its head and smiling at me. "So are you a female or a male" I asked. Charmander held up one claw. "Oh, so you're a female I'm sure we will become the best of friends". Charmander nodded in agreement and then hugged me. I squeaked a little at the cuteness as I hugged her back. "I think you need a name" I say as I pull away from her "hm how about Cinder" I ask. Cinder nodded at me with glee in her eyes. I turn my head to see what Pokémon Ash chose and see that he chose Pikachu, and they were talking to each other happily. I pick up Charmander and walk over to Ash. "So, I see you two are getting along" Ash turn to me and says, "yeah we just became buddies, isn't that right Pikachu"? Pikachu jumped up on Ashes shoulder and waved to me happily while saying pika pika in greeting. 

The professor called for our attention "now then everyone" we all turned to look at him. "Now that all of you have chosen your Pokémon, please grab any of the bags that are on the table at the side of the room. They all have your supplies for your journey such as a Pokedex, pokeballs, food, and medicine". We all went over to the table, and each grabbed a bag. Afterwards we thanked the Professor for the Pokémon supplies then left the laboratory to start on our journeys. Me and Ash separated ways as we each went back to our homes to say goodbye to our parents and pack extra supplies. I ran up to my door and opened it and saw my parents sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Hey mum and dad, look what Pokémon I got" I said excitedly. My parents rush over to me and look at Charmander as I held her up for them to see better. Cinder smiled in enjoyment as my parents cuddled with her. "I named her Cinder and we both promised each other that we would grow strong together" I said with glee. "That's great Erity but before you leave on your journey, we got a present to give you" mum said as dad pulled out a pokeball and handed it to me. 

"You're giving me a Pokémon"? I ask in shock. "Yes, and it's your favourite Pokémon of ours, the little Riolu you have played with since you were a baby" Dad replies. I hug them both grateful for the gift they gave me. As we separated from the hug mum gave me some more things to put in my travel bag that I would need in the future. "Here you go these are some more supplies you'll need such as clothes, food, a portable clothesline, a tent, a sleeping bag and a portable bike that can change size by pressing a button. It will make travelling long distance a lot faster. Oh, and don't worry about Ash his mother got him a bike as well". I take the items and place them carefully into my bag "thank you mum and dad I promise I will be safe on my journey, and I will make you proud at who I become". I hug my parents one more time and wave to them as I leave while carrying Charmander in one arm.

Another chapter done 2 in one day hooray! It was so fun writing this chapter and I hope you all had fun reading it. Don't forget when life gives you lemons squeeze it back into life's eyes Haha.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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