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Good morning ❤️

No pov

He stared at the bottle in his hands. It's been a while since he had a little booze. He'd promised himself he'd never. Not after that Incident, The one that ruined and is still ruining his life. The one that tore his family Apart.

But right now.. he feels so lost, his mind feels like a foreign land. He feels like a stranger in his own body. He is losing his mind. He can't think straight. Different thoughts running through his mind

How does a person disappear all of a sudden?

How is he supposed to survive if he doesn't find her?

Is she doing okay right now?

She has become a part of him, an air he needs to breath. He could hear breathing get heavy.

He needs her back.

"Bro, are you okay?" Dan asked and he snapped.

"of course. I'm not okayyy!!! The one person I held as my anchor has disappeared without a trail. The cameras are not saying anything. The Cops are just scribbling things on paper and still not having a clue where she is. She disappeared without a trail. without a f*ckin trail!!!!!.." Dan is taken aback by Chris' words, he has always been a composed man, always watching his tongue, he'd never been one to snap or swear.

Chris sighs and continues "I'm really sorry man. I'm just scared.. I feel like I'm never going to.." he sniffs ".. see her again. the thought scares me. It's been 18hours.. no clue where she is. my heart is in frenzy and..." He sighed and grabbed his hair in frustration, his eyes teary ".. sh*t.. I need to be alone" He said and walked out of the room.

Dan followed behind him

Chris carried the car key and is about to step out when, Dan grabs his arm

"woah dude, I'll come with you" he said cause he feels like Chris is leaving to go commit suicide or something.

"no man. I.. I need to be alone" Chris sighed

"are you sure.."

"I'll be fine "

"okay.." he releases his arm "...at least tell me where you are going to?" he says more as a question

"Our lake" He says referring to Their(Chris and Amber) 'secret' place.



Amber stares at the man in front of her,
unable to register what he's saying and the papers in front of her

He brought her to an old warehouse.. well it looks old on the outside like it's not been used in awhile.. while on the inside it looks pretty spotless.

"Sign it" She hears him say

She's about to reply when she remembers what is at stake..

Her family

Her best friend

And the orphanage.. the only thing keeping her in contact with her family. They'd hate her completely if the orphanage is taken away from them.

Did he not hear when she said she was getting engaged???

she doesn't want to cry. she swore not to be like that anymore but this is breaking her

"I..I'm getting engaged" she stuttered, tears filled to the brim of her eyes. she hated how her voice sounded

"Do I look like I care?!!!" He thundered, towering over her, his expression dark, his aura scary

"You can't do this" she whispered slowly "what about all the orphans in the orphanage, are you that heartless?!?" Her voice was cracking, she hated it

"Unfortunately sweetheart I can. well the orphans, what can I say? they'd have to look for someplace to stay, the streets, let's say, after all the darling owner used it to gamble and invested a lot of illegal money in the orphanage" He says casually

"I didn't.." She whispers

"oh sweetheart, it says here that you did. But being the kind man that I'm, I can help you clear your name and no one has to know" He leans back on the table, hands in his pocket

"..Now just sign the damn contract!!" He added

mom, dad this is for you. I hope you forgive me someday

she says to herself

Her hands clutched the pen and She signed it with trembling fingers

"Good" he smirked "You are a Mrs Walker, congrats".

Strangely, it's the words she'd been waiting to hear, but not like this..



dun dun dun

we're done

I feel really bad for Chris
what incident destroyed his life?
Should he have Amber back?

Raymond... what did you think of him?

Amber.. what happened between her and her family?
why does she feels, she owes them?

she'd always wanted to be a Mrs Walker
hmm I feel a connection..
cliffhanger 😏😜

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