So I Guess Things Are Alright

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May 29 2036 Hongjoong's View

"Locate King of Demons" "Visual aid provided" Several of the kids were seen. And Seonghwa lay there within them asleep a knock was sounded at the door then someone walked in. Myun-Hee walked in looked around sighed then looked at Seonghwa. "Hey Big Sis" "Himya I thought you were asleep" "I kinda was but what's up" "Has Mom been with you guys?" "We've been with Mom since 45 minutes ago" "My gosh 45 minutes ago and you're all knocked out" "Yep but when we walked in Mom was asleep" "Oh gosh so that means Mom's energy mut.." "Is mom going to die?" Eue Ae asks "No Mom can't die we need her in our lives," Juyia says  "Guys please" "I don't wanna lose Moma," Theilya  says "No one is losing me" "Mom!" Seonghwa sat up and looked around confused. "How did I get here?" "Mom" "Yeah" "Do you still have our drawing books?" "Yeah sure give me a second" Seonghwa grabbed his glasses and placed them on him "Your dad" "Um?" Seonghwa shows Myun-Hee my phone she gasps. "I think I might've cried myself to sleep here" "Oh gosh and since your emtioneslips thingy it means that your pain of missing dad end up taking the memories with you" "Which means you don't even remember falling asleep," Myun Hee says "But Dad is okay though,"  Seynoy says appearing behind Yongrae "He is?" Seonghwa asks  "Yeah all we need to do now is just ask around," Oris says "Or call Grump Grandpa Drew"  Veryia says They all laughed "Grandpa Drew the only Drew I know is oh my gosh hahah wait  Great Hoen Nyives kids no" "But he let us" Seonghwa continues to laugh then picks up Seynoy "Even you little guy" He burps Seonghwa laughs "Whooa alright which one of you gave your brother grape soda" "He was with the triplets," Eunkyu says  "Oh boy" "I'm going to call Grandpa Drew" "How?" "Magetio" "Oh the Magi communication app?" "No, it's the magic tablet" "Oooh" "Hey look!" "Dad?" "What?" "James" "Hello" "What a relief you seem alright" "Yeah for now" "Hahaha they all have the same face Seonghwas making that is too adorable" "No look at Senyoy's little folded arms" 

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