A Deal Was Made

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September 21, 2036, Hongjoong's View

"Oh great what is this eep ah no ahhhhh" "Um okay" What is happening Hongjoong?" "I don't know" "Creak" A sinister laugh is heard it echoes all around then claws appear The guy shook in fear his men start to get up. "Boss" "This can only mean one thing" "What" "Riley spare us" The sinister laugh continues to echos as more things happen to the guy and his mean. "What if I made a deal with" "You know what that will mean" "Boss no" "Riley please just spare them" "Boo!" "Ahhh holly creak" Seonghwa laughs evilly holding onto his scythe "Oh you actually jumped like a scared little girl now that was funny" "You're sick" "I'm the nightmare king of course I'm meant to be crazy but also evil because you know being Satan there see look at the" The guy's men then look at the guy but he stares at Seonghwa. "You know your soul is already mine," Seonghwa says "I haven't killed you yet because I'm waiting around for your brother to bring back the soul screech he's got 3 days left if he's not back by then I'll kill you" "What?" "Blame your family," Seonghwa says walking around "They made a deal with me" "So my fate has sealed either way" "No" "What" "Hello Little Foot," Seonghwa says ruffling Jongho's hair "Once again my hat is going on you"

"Riley answer me" "You should answer me old friend" "How so" "You said you wanted to make a deal I'm listening" "What if I switched places with my brother" "Then your brother dies but not you" "Creak" "You didn't think this through at all your fear is only talking you into selling your brother's soul just so yours can live well you either have...I know this necklace where have...Himya!" Seonghwa then became normal wearing my hala hala jacket red shirt that had arrows on it torned black jeans and red checked sneakers. "You!" "Ack Riley please" "If I find out you and your men did this I have no choice but to kill you on the spot for harming my little angel" Seonghwa then placed the guy down and walked away I decided to follow after him "Oh gosh Himya this her necklace this was.." "Her birthday gift to us when she turned 10,"  I say "Joongie" "We'll find her Seonghwa" "I'm trying not to think that way but I can't help but think" "It will be okay for all we know she may have your bow and arrows" "Hahaha or your daggers" "Or both of them" "You were suppose to be resting," Dr.Jyris says to Seonghwa "I know but a family emergency happened" 

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