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James Potter-Black was freaking out. He is a male bearer, the first in the Potter line since Ignotus Peverell who was alive nearly 800 years ago. And he had just found out via his best friend, Dorcas Meadows-McKinnon, who was a Healer that he was pregnant, and he didn't know what his husband and best friend Sirius Orion Black-Potter III was going to say.
"Dorcas what am I going to do! What if Sirius doesn't want children right now? That would literally kill me! I..."

"Jamie, calm down, everything is going to be fine." Dorcas assured him, squeezing his hand comfortingly, just as the wards signalled to James that Sirius had returned home.
"Jamie? Prongs my love, where are you?" Sirius called, he had returned home early after meeting his brother Regulus for lunch, as he was incredibly worried for James as he had been ill a lot lately. "Hello Dorcas. What's wrong?" Sirius asked, noticing their friend sitting beside his husband.

"Hello Sirius, I'll be in the next room to let you two talk." She smiled at them comfortingly.
"Jamie?" Sirius asked worriedly, sitting beside his husband grasping his hand and pressing a kiss to James's knuckles as worry ate him alive as terrible thoughts ran rampant around his brain as he feared for the worst. Taking a deep breath to gather his courage James started to ramble.

"Sirius, you know we met on the train at eleven and became instant best friends, then we grew closer and started dating in fourth year, and while we were dating we came up with many plans for the future, and then we got married right out of Hogwarts..."
"James, I love you, but calm down and tell me what's wrong, love?" Sirius begged, rubbing James' knuckles soothingly as an indulgent smile fought its way onto his lips. He loved when James rambled and went on tangents but not when he was worried for his husband's health.

"'Right, right. Anyways, you know we always wanted children, right? Well, we will have them and we have to find Godparents and inform Moony, Loki and..."
"Okay, I'm trying to say that I'm expecting!" James blurted out, closing his eyes so he didn't have to see the disappointment in Sirius' eyes, that is until Sirius let out an excited cry.
"What! Really? This is the best gift EVER!!!" Sirius cheered jumping up and down excitedly, much like his Grim Animagus form who howled happily inside him happy to finally have a pup with his mate to look after, before he sat back down and kissed James with so much love and passion.

In Time There Is Love (Thorfinn Rowle)Where stories live. Discover now