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My name is Golden Akua Sika Owusu, a proud Ashanti. My mom is the only family I have left and I'm crazy about her.

When I say crazy, I mean even seeing her constantly worry about something drives me nuts. I just hate to see her in pain and this is to anybody who wants to see the worst side of Akua Sika, try using my mom.

My mom is the head nurse at a private womens' hospital.

I know you're wondering where my father is. Well, my father died in a car crash, a hit and run about two years ago. This incident really crashed my mother and took life out of her.

I mean I was devastated too, but not as much as my mom. She loved my father so much so just imagine how hard she took the news.

After my father's burial, she closed all the doors to her heart and never opened them to anyone till date. The keys to her heart are probably buried deep in the earth, melted out of shape by hot magma that lies beneath her in its core. Truth is the keys wouldn't fit even if someone potential found it.

My father's dead did not affect us financially though. Mother's salary alone could buy all our basic needs. My father was a business tycoon who transported artefacts he made himself world wide. It was after his burial his lawyer made it known to us that my father left everything he owned to my mother and I.

I attend one of the most prestigious schools in the country. Diamond International School. DIS, for short!

The school was located in the heart of Accra, the region's capital and the country's as well. Students who attended DIS are students who go outside Ghana for pompous vacations and have parents as politicians, famous and rich influencers, models, big time business people and other important personalities in Ghana and around the globe.

There were a few lower and middle class students over there though, students who managed to get there through very strong and tough protocols.

Let me tell you about myself now that you know a little bit of what I'm surrounded by.

I am very sweet, caring and kind. Scratch that please! I'm not sweet and caring. I am kind though, to those who deserve it.
I really don't care about anyone except my mom and my two close friends, Esther and Nancy.

I am very outspoken and I definitely do not mince words.
I once corrected a teacher on what he thought was right and it landed me in detention. My mom was not very happy about it though. I just say what I want to say straight to your face and it's always the truth, which has you thanking me later. All the time!

I am a very sarcastic soul. My whole life revolves around sarcasm.

I am not merciful to those who refuse to leave me in peace. I'll definitely pay you back. Call me karma in human form. Lol!

I have a strong liking to music and arts. I can be the worst talker you know and the most quiet person. It all depends on who I'm with and what you do to me.

I am in my second year in high school. Don't tell me about love, I'll slap your face with a chair! Love at first sight? Stop talking please! Father's death made me establish the fact that love is hard and if I had the chance to choose between falling in love and breaking my legs, I'd choose the latter.

Why do I always get carried away when talking about myself? It's because I believe in " if you don't know, shut up!". I love myself and know so much about myself that I just can't help telling you about myself.
Simply, I find pleasure in doing what people say I can't do.


"Gold. Gold. Gold!"Esther screamed out.

" Huh, huh!". I also screamed at her.

" You just zoned out on us. What's that supposed to mean and what in the world are you thinking about?"Nancy took over from Esther in screaming at me.

"Sorry girls. What were you saying?"I apologized.

" I'd be damned if I started this all over again. I'll just continue from where I left off." Nancy answered and gave me one of her famous eye rolls.

" Ok, fine. I'm sorry okay?" I apologized again.

" Let's go to sleep now. We have classes tomorrow. You don't want to doze off in Mr. Azameti's class." I added and we all burst into laughter.
I gave out a loud yawn.

Nancy cringed and Esther slapped my arm, both at the same time.

" This is the least you've seen. Get used to it." I teased.

Nancy rolled her eyes at me again and I laughed.

Esther and Nancy have been my friends since primary school and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon.

" Good night girls!" I tell them and climb my bed to sleep after the very long day.

" Good night Gold!" Esther yells. I glare at her for yelling.

" I love you!" Nancy also yells and I stick my middle finger out to her. She simply laughs it off.

I shake my head and fall on my bed, my bones screaming from tiredness.
I reminisce the events of the day until sleep finally gets to me.

Hello readers! First chapter updated! please vote if you like the story. You can comment too. Just remember, constructive criticism only!

thank you for reading.



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