Chapter One.

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"Golden Akua Sika Owusu, you're to report to the school's administration block this minute!".

The school's message siren blared through the speakers, drawing the attention of everyone.

All my classmates turned to look at me, as some of them began to murmur and laugh under their breaths. I rolled my eyes. It is not as if this is the first time I've been summoned to the administration block.

"Really? What did she do this time?"Nancy sighed as she got up from her seat and sat on my desk.

"This girl just enjoys anything trouble." Esther just shook her head and rubbed her palm on my back.

I glared at her and took her hand off back.

"Girls, relax! It is not anything serious this time." I told them and relaxed in my seat.

" I always get the creeps whenever she says this. It is a lie all the time!"Nancy said and gave another of her famous eye rolls.

I laughed.

"Girl, take your time with those eye rolls. Who knows when those small eyes of yours might actually fall out? I'm very positive they get tired from being rolled all the time."
I smirked, knowing how sensitive Nancy was when her eyes were the topic.

When I wasn't watching, Nancy  smacked my head, real hard.

"Ouch! What did I do now?"I rubbed my head with my palm.

"Now, that's how I like it." Nancy replied with a smile.

"Will you tell us what you did or keep on teasing Nancy about her eye rolls?"Esther asked.

I suppressed the laughter that threatened to spill from my throat.
"Ok, ok . It's not really serious though."I said.

Esther looked at me with her 'do you really expect me to believe that look'.

"Stop looking at me that way, ma. It makes me more guilty than I already am." I sighed.

"Well, the issue is I dumped some washing powder into Nakiyat's gari."I explained, smiling.

Esther brought her hands to her mouth to keep her from laughing out loud. Nancy just stook there, shocked beyond measure. I shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Nancy asked, her eyes gleaming with pleasure.
" There was no time, so I had to do it alone. I guess she reported me to the mistress, just as she threatened." I shrugged again.

Esther gave me both of her palms for a high- five. I gladly smacked it.

" Next time, just involve us. We'll make the plan super hot to handle." She whispered and giggled, before looking around to check if anyone heard what she just whispered to me.

"Sure thing."I smiled.

"But my mom will definitely kill me this time. This is the third time I've been called to the administration block this semester."I said, my voice laced with annoyance. If only Naki and her minions didn't have to be devils all the time.

"Don't worry, she won't be that mad." Nancy assured me. I gave her a small smile. Esther smiled too.

" Though I don't think that the administrators have all day. You better get going." Nancy added.

I nodded at her. We got into a group hug, something we only do during extremely exciting moments and moments like this one. Scary ones.
I thanked them, got up and walked to the door.

I turned to look at them again, as if asking for reassurance. They both smiled at me again. That's all I needed, at least for now.

On my way to the administration block, I remembered one time when Naki smeared oil paint on my white bedspread. The large plot of land I was assigned to weed for having a dirty bedspread still hurt my heart whenever it came to mind.

There was also the time where Naki, with the help from her friends Nancy's and Esther's bags into the dustbin and had them go for it.
The look on Esther's face was to kill for. She was fuming with anger.

As for Nancy, she threw the bottle of water she had at the time on Naki and gave her a severe warning never to mess with her or any of us ever again.

I would give my life savings just to see how horrified Naki was again.

I heard my name from afar, taking me away from the flashback I was having. It could only be one person, Charles. He was the only one who called me Golden. I hated it. I stopped and rolled my eyes.

I turned to look at him ,a sweet fake smile plastered on my face.

" Wait up, Golden!" Charles shouted and ran to me panting like he had just been in a 100 metre race.

He smiled when he got to me.

"What's up? It's been a while I saw you around." Charles asked, while wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead and neck with a handkerchief he removed from his breast pocket.

That's because I'm avoiding you, I wanted to say but decided not to on second thought.

" I'm just here, being brave enough to suffer the fate this school has to offer." I replied.

"Oh." He replied and smiled widely, displaying a crooked set of teeth.

Charles is the entertainment prefect of DIS. He has been following me around since my last semester on form one, telling me how much he admires me and wants me to be his girlfriend.

I laugh at the thought of us being an item.

He was nice in looks, but if only he could do something about his crooked teeth and stop following me around all the time, then would he be a nice  catch for me.

I just wanted to avoid this conversation.

" Errrmmm... I'm sure you heard the siren blare my name, so see you later?" I told him and walked as far as I could from him not bothering to hear whatever he had to say.

"I look forward to seeing you more often!" He shouted in an effort for me to hear him. I frowned.

"All the best!" He added. Yeah, all the best. I need that.

hello loves! this chapter is actually very long so I typed half of it. I promise to add the other half tomorrow.
hope you're enjoying it! please like and share! comment too, I'll be in the comments section.

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