Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Merge

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It was a surprisingly sunny day in Ninjago City, and the Garmadon family were taking full advantage of it. The kids were outside in the Garden of the Palace of Secrets playing in the pool, while the adults were sitting on the side watching them.
"Feels good to finally get some Vitamin D," Harumi began, "I honestly thought I'd never see the sun again."
"Me, neither," Lloyd replied, "But at least it's out now. Thank goodness it's Summer."
"Mhm. The Sun is out now, and we need to make the most of it," Rumi said with a smile, "Ice pops, anyone?"
"HECK YEAH!" the twins exclaimed in unison, before quickly getting out of the pool and running towards Harumi, who was sitting on a lounge chair next to the pool. She picked up the cooler from beside her chair and placed it next to her. She carefully opened it and gave the twins their Ice pops.
"Thanks, Mom!" Yue called out, before giving Harumi a hug and sitting on the lounge chair beside hers. Kyle did the same.
Lloyd sat next to Harumi and sighed.
"Finally having a day off and spending it with my wife and kids? Life honestly couldn't get any better." he said jokingly, making Harumi chuckle slightly. They both began leaning in for a kiss, before they were interrupted by a loud crackling noise.
"What the heck-" Lloyd muttered, as he turned around and looked up at the sky. It had gone dark, and a strange oval-shaped vortex had opened.
"Kids, get your Ninja Gis on and head to the courtyard," Lloyd instructed, "We need to get out of here. Now."

A few minutes later

Lloyd swiftly conjoured up his Energy Dragon and helped his family up and onto it.
"Everyone, hold on. This is gonna get rough..." he warned them, before using the Dragon's reins to steer it through the tornado of flying objects. Cars, bicycles and even houses were swirling around them, before they finally got out of the tornado.
"Hey, isn't that the Bounty?" Yue queried, while gesturing to a flying silhouette in the distance.
"It is... we need to get over there. Fast." Harumi instructed. Lloyd nodded, before steering the Dragon towards the Bounty. Once they had gotten there, Lloyd landed the Dragon on the deck of the ship, before getting it to bend down so that Harumi, Yue and Kyle could climb off of it. Once they had, the Dragon simply vanished, leaving only a puff of green smoke behind.
The Garmadon family all looked around, and managed to spot the other members of the Ninja team.
"Kai! Any idea what's going on here?" Lloyd asked frantically.
"No clue, but Master Wu says it has something to do with 'Coalescence'. No idea what that means. I'm just kinda...going along with it." he explained.
"Coalescence - a noun meaning 'the joining or merging of elements to form one mass or whole'," Zane began, "From what I can see, I can predict that perhaps the remaining 14 realms are merging together."
"Yeah, but, why?" Lloyd questioned.
"Because of... something I haven't yet told you." a familiar voice muttered. The Ninja all turned to face the direction from which they had all heard the voice. It was Master Wu.
"Another day, I another thing you haven't told us..." Kai began, before Skylor elbowed him in the ribs.

One thing was for sure.

This was going to be a wild ride...

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