Chapter 2: The Coalescence

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"Many centuries ago, it was prophesied that the remaining 14 realms would merge into one combined realm. Something my father called, 'Coalescence'. At the time, I didn't know what it meant. There was very little research done on the Prophecy. I don't know how, but it's happening. And there is no way to stop it." Master Wu explained.
"But, everyone will be okay, right? Nothing horrible will happen? Right? RIGHT?" Kai asked frantically. Master Wu shook his head.
"I have looked through my database for any information about this, 'Merge', and I can confirm that getting trapped in the explosion could be fatal." Zane told the other Ninja.
"So, if any of us get trapped on the other side of the storm, we'd..." Kai mimicked a slicing sound while sliding his hand across the front of his neck.
"Theoretically, yes. However, there is a small chance that some people could survive," Zane began, "Like all of us, for example. We all have had or currently have Elemental Powers, which coincidentally boost our strength. We have a higher probability than people who do not or have not had Elemental Powers to survive. However, it is still not likely that any human would be able to bare the radiation that the main part of the storm produces."
"So, in summary, we just have to not get caught in the main part of the storm?" Yue asked her uncle.
"Precisely." Zane remarked.
"Okay, so, first thing's first," Lloyd began, "We need to fly into the eye of the storm and save as many people as we can. After that, we need to find shelter somewhere."
"But, where? It's not like the Oni Temple is around anymore. And there aren't many places to hide during a REALM-WIDE CRISIS!" Jay exclaimed.
"We'll think of something. For now, Lloyd is right. We need to get down there and save the people." Nya said to the other Ninja. They all nodded, before putting their hoods down and their masks up (apart from Harumi, who had a magenta half mask instead of a hood).

A little later

The Ninja (apart from Nya) all held their hands firmly around the chains attached to the anchor of the Bounty.
"Alright, I'm lowering it now," Nya told them over the radio, "Good luck, Ninja. And be safe."
"Thanks, Nya. We will." Lloyd replied. Nya took her hand off of the speaker button on the control panel of the Bounty and clicked on the button next to it. After she did so, the anchor slowly lowered itself onto the ground below.
"NINJA, GO!" the Ninja all shouted in unison, as they let go of the chain attached to the anchor and split up across the centre of Ninjago City.
Lloyd and Harumi regrouped, before Lloyd quickly conjoured up his Energy Dragon and helped Harumi up and onto it. He then climbed up himself and used the reigns to steer it towards a small village of houses just outside of the city. Once they got there, they noticed a young boy in an orange hoodie was getting caught up in the storm.
"ARIN!" his mother exclaimed as she helplessly watched her son get pulled into the storm. He yelled while being turned upside down and swirled around the storm. However, before he could get hurt, Lloyd turned his Dragon around, flew into the storm and managed to catch him.
"Hey, kid! You get lost?" he asked the young boy. However, there was no response. Arin just simply stared at him, completely baffled by what had just happened. The only thing Lloyd got out of saying what he said was a nudge in the arm from Harumi.
"What? What did I do?" he queried.
"Don't ask him that! This isn't the time for jokes." she said to him with a stern look on her face. She then turned to face Arin.
"You alright, kid?" she asked him.
"Wha- oh, yeah, I am," he said after a moment, "Sorry. I'm just a bit starstruck."
"It's okay. Happens all the time." Lloyd assured Arin, before getting another nudge in the arm from Harumi.
"Anyways, let's get you somewhere safe." Lloyd said to Arin. Arin nodded his head, before holding onto the Dragon's back.


Lloyd landed the Dragon somewhere at the edge of Ninjago City, and Harumi helped Arin get off of it.
"Alright, kid. Stay safe. And stay out of trouble." Lloyd said to Arin, before Harumi climbed back up and onto the Dragon and signalled for Lloyd to start flying it. Lloyd turned around, saluted at Arin and then proceeded to fly the Dragon back into the middle of Ninjago City. After getting a few more families to safety, they headed back towards the Bounty.

On the Bounty

"I'm picking up high levels of radiation around this area of the storm," Zane began, "I believe the explosion will happen soon."
"We've done all that we could. Now, we just have to hope for the best." Nya replied.

The wind grew stronger, as did the Ninjas' concern. They knew they had to protect themselves, but their main priorities were their children.
"Jayden, Yue, Kyle, head below deck with the others." Lloyd instructed.
"But, Dad, what about all of you?" Kyle questioned.
"Yeah! We're not gonna leave you here," Yue continued, "After all, we're the ones with powers-"
"Yue, sweetheart, you know we're really grateful that you'd all like to help, but it's just too dangerous for all of you. You're just children. We don't want you to get hurt." Harumi said to her daughter. Yue frowned briefly, before looking up at Harumi and nodding her head.
"Come on, guys, we need to get downstairs. Now." she said to the other kids. They all nodded, before sprinting below deck.
The wind around the Bounty slowly began speeding up, and the Ninja all responded by holding onto the sides of the ship.
"Uh, guys-? What's that big white ball up there?" Kai asked frantically, while gesturing to the centre of the storm.
"That is the explosion..." Zane began, "We must turn away from it!"
"Already on it!" Nya exclaimed, while sprinting towards the Steering Wheel on the Bounty. She held it with one hand and reached out to press the turbo button on the control panel with the other. However, before she could press it, the ship began to shake.
"Nya, it's sucking us in!" Kai exclaimed.
"Everyone, head below deck, before the ship-" Nya began, before being cut off by a loud cracking sound.
"...splits in half."
Each Ninja slowly slid down the ship. Kai was the first to reach the edge. He nearly fell, but he managed to grab the edge.
"Guys, I don't think I can hold on for much longer...-" he told the other Ninja.
"Kai, don't let go!" Skylor exclaimed.
"My hand is slipping..." he began, before letting go of the edge.
"KAI!" everyone shouted, while on the verge of tears at the supposed loss of their friend.
One by one, each Ninja fell off of the ship or was dragged away by the wind, until only P.I.X.A.L, Nya, Lloyd and Harumi were left.
Harumi was on the verge of falling.
Lloyd allowed himself to slide down the ship slightly, and he grabbed her hand.
"Rumi, don't let go. I-I'll think of something." he said to her frantically. They looked down at the storm below, before looking back towards eachother.
She smiled.
"Lloyd, you're strong. I know you, P.I.X.A.L and Nya can save Ninjago without me." she said to him.
"No, Rumi, don't let go! I've already lost my friends! I don't want to loose you!" he exclaimed, "Not again..."
"Lloyd, you don't need me to save Ninjago. And you need to protect the twins. You don't need me for that." she muttered to him.
"That's not true! I do need you!" he exclaimed.
"Lloyd, you're brave enough to do this on your own. I know you are," she began, "I love you."
"I-" he was about to say something that would go against her decision, but he stopped himself.
"I love you, too."
Tears streamed down cheeks as he watched Harumi slowly let go of his hand.
Then, it happened.
She fell.
He yelled her name and was about to go after her on his Energy Dragon, but he stopped himself once he saw how close he was to the edge.

Yue sprinted up to the deck of the, now broken apart, Bounty. She noticed her father almost falling off of it, and she managed to make a Crystals rise from the side of the ship using her powers so that he could climb back up.
"Yue, Nya, P.I.X.A.L, we need to get inside. Now." he instructed. They all quickly sprinted below deck and into the barely-intact Sleeping Quarters.
Lloyd held both of his children close.
"Kids, if we don't survive this, I just wanted to tell you that I love you both with all of my heart." he told them.
"We love you, too, Dad." Yue replied, and Kyle nodded in response. All three of them hugged eachother tight, before they heard a loud crashing noise.

Then, everything went black.

(Quick A/N the Ninja don't know where Master Wu went, but basically he got trapped in the storm while Harumi and Lloyd were saving Arin)

(ALSO this chapter is dedicated to my friend IdkWhatToPutHere4010 aka Artsy! They've supported me an unreal amount when it comes to writing fanfiction and just stories in general, and I can't thank them enough for that)

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