Chapter 6: Carnival Chaos

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"RISE AND SHINE! TIME TO TRAIN!" Lloyd said as he walked into the Monastery's guest bedroom, with Harumi and the twins following close behind him.
"It wasn't a dream... it really is my first day of Ninja training!" Arin exclaimed as he sat up from the hammock that he slept on, "AWESOME! MAXIMUM AWESOME!"
Sora groaned out of exhaustion as she sat up on her bed.
"It's the crack of dawnnnn-" she complained.
"We knowwww; I managed to convince Lloyd to let you guys sleep in for the first couple weeks," Harumi said to her, "You can thank me later."
"How is waking up this early 'sleeping in'-?" Sora whispered to Riyu before dragging herself out of bed and following Arin, Yue and Kyle towards the courtyard.

A few minutes later

(P.S the twins would've just been standing off to the side somewhere until Lloyd showed up)

"Why are we training way up here?" Sora asked Arin, who was doing warmup exercises in preparation for Ninja training.
"We're becoming Ninja to help people! Shouldn't we be around... y'know... people-? Like, in the Crossroads?"
"You just want to go to the Crossroads Carnival, don't you?" Arin said with a smug smile.
"Yeah, don't you?" Sora replied, before taking out a poster from one of her pockets, "We've never missed one!"
"True," Arin began, "And I was determined to win the pie-baking contest this year. Grab-Barg wins every time... I've been perfecting my recipe all year!"
"Let's ask Lloyd if we can go." Sora suggested.
"Go where?" Lloyd asked as he walked out of the Monastery with a cup of tea in his hands.
"The Crossroads Carnival! Everyone from the combined lands celebrate their traditions at the Carnival. There's a ton of food and games, and a HUGE fireworks show performed by this fireworks genius named Dorama!" Sora explained.
"Plus, there's a pie-baking contest!" Arin added, "It's SUPER fun!"
"That does sound fun," Lloyd began, "But it also sounds like a distraction from something even more fun: TRAINING!"
"What are we even supposed to train on?" Sora queried, "There's nothing here!"
"Ah, to become a Ninja, you must see potential where others do not." Lloyd replied, whilst using his staff to press a button on the floor beneath him. Suddenly, the centre of the Monastery began sinking into the ground, only to abruptly stop with a loud screech.
"What!?" Lloyd exclaimed, "This always worked when Master Wu did it! It was a whole big, impressive reveal!"
The twins snickered.
"Looks like the mechanisms haven't been properly maintained," Sora concluded, "When junk gets into gears, it can ruin everything. When'd you last clean 'em?"
"I was supposed to be doing that-?" Lloyd said, as he jumped down onto the platform, "Maybe if I-"
He stomped his foot, making the platform suddenly move again. He gasped, and Arin, Sora and the twins looked down at the platform worriedly. However, not even a moment later, a new platform rose up with an entire Ninja Training Course on it. Lloyd was standing on top of one of the hoops.
"So cooooool!" Arin muttered.
"One more thing." Lloyd said, before backflipping back behind the table where he had placed his teacup.
"You must complete the course before I finish my tea."
He tooks a sip of his tea, before immediately spitting it out.
"Aaaaaand I burnt the tea-" he said, frustrated.

"I figured that would happen," Harumi said as she entered the courtyard, "I made another cup just in case."
"Aw, thanks." Lloyd replied with a smile.
"Eh. What can I say? It's your first day being a Ninja Master. Didn't want you to screw it up."
She picked up the old cup of tea and gave Lloyd a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll be inside if anyone needs me," she began, "Have fun training!"
She then re-entered the Monastery and headed towards the Kitchen.
"Aww." Arin and Sora remarked. The twins smiled and rolled their eyes.
"Alright, alright, stay focussed," Lloyd began, "We've got a long day ahead of us. Now, head to the start of the course. We'll probably get in a hundred or so laps today. No pressure."
Sora sighed, whilst Arin squealed out of excitement.
They then stood at the start of the course and prepared to begin their training.

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