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Credits- hybrid kirishima!!

                                                                                 VERY DISTURBING

                                                                          ABUSE, ALCOHOL, GORE

     I have made this chapter opiotional just in case you get uncomfortable! I will recap what                          happens in the story in the next chapter! PLEASE skip if you are easily disturbed. 

                                                                                          Izuku POV

I was awoken by Kirishima's alarm clock's screeching and blaring. I rolled my body towards it and turned it off. Kirishima also rolled over and tapped me on the shoulder.

"You slept in your uniform.." He said with a displeased face. Seeing the discomfort on Red's face, I went to apologize, but was interrupted.

"You're fine! Just ask me for something next time!" As Red formed the words that soon came flooding out of his mouth, he shockingly had a wide, cheery smile on his face as his sentence came to a closure. 

Unexpectedly, Kirishima stepped out of bed, trying to find another unused uniform in his dresser. "So thats what its used for.." I thought, curiously. Reaching the bottom of his dresser, Kirishima finally found what he was looking for.

"Here you go!" Although Red still had his big beautiful smile lifted upon his face, it still seemed a bit tired. 

"Thank you." I said, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms in front of my chest.

I couldn't help but notice the color of Kirishima's bashful face as I got up from the bed. I tried to interrupt the awkwardness by smiling at him but, ironically, it made Red's face turn a bright orange. He really did look attractive when he was shy. After he handed me the clean uniform, I couldn't help getting embarrassed myself. 

"I'll head to the bathroom to get changed." Kirishima gave me a tip of his head and then headed outside of his room. 

After slipping on my clothes rather swiftly, I headed towards the living room to wait for Kirishima. After a few moments of waiting, a thought occurred to me. "Where were Kirishima's parents?" Suddenly, he came out of the bathroom, interrupting my thought process.

"You all set?" Red asked, in a uplifting tone.

"Sure..." Before I carried on with my question, I thought for a moment. Was it a good idea to ask him about his parents? Before I could clearly see this through, curiosity held the better of me.

"Where are your parents?"

Red gave me a surprised look. Almost like he was puzzled yet threatened at the same time.

"Oh, working." Still stunned, he looked deep into the ground before giving me another smile.

"I'll fix some breakfast!" Red patted me on the shoulder as he passed and began to cook, the both of us, eggs and bacon. 

After about fifteen minutes, Kirishima fixed my plate and headed it to me. After he handed me my breakfast, we ate and headed to school. Same as yesterday, the classes seemed to have an everlasting curse, But finally, I made it through the day. As the students poured out of the school, Kirishima shouted at me to wait up. Luckily, he held my hand and kept me away from Bakugou as the days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Yet, my abuse only got worse and worse. But this is the day everything changed. I entered our house, shockingly even more dirtied from the beginning of the school year. I can't believe 6 months of the school year has already past. A shatter, most likely glass, came from upstairs. A scream followed. Suddenly, a door upstairs flew open. Not again. I simply just sighed. It was until he was downstairs when I opened my eyes. I could feel my eyes widen with fear. In my drunken step-father's hands was the top to a broken booze bottle, light reflecting off of it's sharp, dangerous edges. He growled before he took his first lunge. In one hand, he lifted the bottle so that it shimmered in the light before he came crashing down, his eyes red with anger and pain. The glass shard tore through my chest, causing an hot sensation to go up and down my chest warning me of intense pain striking my nerves. Blood soon came rushing down my torso, causing me to collapse. Unforcantley, from experience, it wasn't enough to even knock me out.

"You.... Damn .. Brat!" My stepfather howled as he took his slashing even further, now that I was unable to move, nonetheless get up off the bloodied floor. 

"You aren't... worth.. anything! Nothing! Your mother had been annihilated across the interstate because of you! You pulverized her! You fucking....dick! What is wrong with you!!"

He once again held the weapon above his head and came towering down onto my collarbone until the object was drenched in blood. He got up off of the ground, dropping the glass onto the ground, causing it to shatter when it hit the ground. Mystically, my stepfather's eyes didn't appear angry anymore. They looked as if they had just ruined their lives entirely. He stood there. In pure horror. Waves of water rushed over his face. He picked up what was left of the liquor bottle and held it up to his throat.

"You... killed all of us!! Hell! Her death was probably fucking suicide!! She would probably rather die horribly than live a life with you in it!!" With the rest of his strength, he cut open his neck revealing his vocal cords and esophagus.

 Blood flowed from his neck like a stream or a river. He also collapsed except on top of me, slowly dying without being able to really do anything. I shoved his gargling corpse off of me and struggled to get up. When I did, I took my final glances at my stepfather before I ran out the door, hearing his attempted screams following my footsteps. There was only one place I could go. Kirishima's house. I began to limp my ways there, my vision getting hazy. After nearly an hour I made it to Kirishima's house. I weakly rang the doorbell. The door began to open. I found Red's lost eye's traveling up and down my wounds. 


I struggled to speak, "I-I need... hospital..."

He lead my inside. As I took my first step, everything turned black. I can remember his howling for help... his blood... his body... It's the last thing I seemed to remember. 

Word Count --1043 words.

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