Take It Easy

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Credits -- MelyRo! I thought Bakugo was adorable in the background!


                                                                                  Self Harm, bullying

                                                                                                _ -- _

                                                                                         Deku's POV

The next few weeks were hard. I could feel hope simply being wasted daily. Daily as in daily beatings and classes of the day. Katsuki's rough aqantices felt as if they were getting worse. It scared me that my body wasn't healing fast enough every day. It scared me to think of Kirishima or Yuta to find my abrasions. At least, maybe, I could stay positive. I still had Kirishima at least. 

I didn't sleep very well. I felt as if my skin was caving in. I felt as if I was suffocating. I felt guilty when Kirishima had to help me with my anxiety attack. Like it was entitled to him. Like I reinforced this awful burden that kept him up - for a good hour- last night. God. Why couldn't I masked it up like I usually did? This was stupid. Kirishima giving up his wellbeing for me. It was normal. I didn't deserve that. 

"Hey, Deku!" I felt a strong pull that held me in one place rather harshly.

"Be careful! You almost ran out in traffic!" Kirishima's concerned eyes pulled me out of my trance.

"I'm so sorry, Kirishima! Thank you!" I felt a pang of guilt slither down my throat as I drew a large smile across my face.

"No problem. You doing alright though?" His face grew serious.

"I'm doing good today! Sorry about last night!" Red nodded, accepting my apology.

As was we, once again stood in front of the gates of the middle school something seemed, familiar. Besides, of course, being at our school. But once I saw Kirishima looking down at me, I instantly smiled, ignoring my foreshadowing. As usual, we stuffed our lockers and I started to depart for Katsuki when Kirishima stopped me for a moment.

"Hey, you doin alright this morning?" My eyes adjusted to this, seemingly rare situation.

"Yep!" Red analyzed my eyes.

"Do you need help with school work? We could talk to a teacher-" I truly didn't mean for this to happen.

"I'm fine!" I jerked my hand away from his.

"Please! Just stop caring about me!! You're only making everything worse! Can't you see that!" I held my mouth after what had just come out of it. I wanted to unsay everything. I wanted to not  even have known Kirishima. He didn't deserve this. He's a good person!

"D-deku.." He was too bummed to speak.

"I..." I tried to apologize but instead, I just left.

I ran to the mens bathroom, opening a stall and locking it behind me. I sighed as I pulled an cold, sharp razor out of my pocket. I just held it for awhile. It had been almost a month. Gulping, I held it to my skin, tearing it apart. Blood ran and ozed down my arms as I made one, two, three, four and finally a fifth cut. Each were deep. I could feel it. The pain was definitely deep. I took another look and my arms. The realization pierced my heart. I began to let out quiet sobs. After about ten minutes of crying, I rolled my sleeves down and made my way to meet Katsuki. 

I made my way into the storage room. As I opened the doors, Bakugo Katsuki's shadow seemed as if it was the only alive thing in the room. 

"Late." That was all he said.

"Do you know what happens to worthless, dumbasses whom are a total waste of life?" The sad, lonely room fell silent.

"They deserve death." Anxiety welled up and joined the indescribable silence, causing what seem to be quiet, so very loud at the same time.

I didn't let my anxiety take me. It wasn't going to take me. Not this time. I was done with living just to bring others down.

The most I can do to become an hero is to simply give my life so maybe, just maybe others don't have to suffer because of my actions.


Only me.

Selfish, little, weak me.

Katsuki was in a fury. He was so mad with me that he not only hit my stomach and groin, he hit my face too. He didn't stop. In fact, after an hour, I truly though he was going to kill me. After an hour my body trembled and ached. After an hour my eyes closed and I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. I tried, but I failed to speak.

I was alone.


                                                                                          Bakugo Katsuki

I felt Deku's body give out as I threw my last punch at him. He just lied there, blood pouring out of his mouth and nose. I had taken it took far. Although it thrilled me to be in such a situation, fear stunned me. If they locked me up, how else was I going to mess with someone? I found myself obsessed with the idea of making someone suffer to the point of death. The final moments of someones life. The last breath just interests me. I kneeled down to Deku's level and grabbed his throat. I yelled his name but no answer. I was about to crush his neck when, I got a idea. I carried Deku to the rooftop. He shouldn't survive five floors! I walked to the edge of the rail and threw his small, weak body off of the roof.

Deku's life ended with a loud, crunchy thud.

Deku was now a mucky puddle.

Nothing more than that.

I've created justice.

Words count -- 906 words. 

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