The knock

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Amor: Im sorry but i have to go
Chairles: Noooo!
Amor: But ple-
That's when they heard a knock on the door
Bosip: Amor come out now i been calling your names for HOURS!
Amor: uh sorry am a little bit busy
Bob: Amor come on we have to go!
That's when amor felt Chairles touching his ā$$
Bosip: Amor is somebody also in there?!
Amor: UH NO!
Bosip: amor up this door or else...
Amor: Or else what?!
That's when bosip kick the door down
Bob: amor what are you doing with your gaming chair??
Amor: wait you don't see him?
Bosip: see who
Amor: HIM?!
Bob: you know what amor how about you stay and rest since you past out one day
Amor: uh okay
They left the room and the house
Chairles: hehe you never knew that they can't see us
Amor: what do you mean by us?
Chairles: you will see 😏
Amor: please don't do that face
Chairles: aww okay
Amor: now just let me sleep
Chairles: sure~
Amor: i swear if you brother me you will not. See the light again...
Chairles: ..... Okay
Amor: good!
Amor fell asleep and that's when he felt something weird happing to his pillow
(So what's happening is that amazing making all of amor stuff a human or maybe some but there will be no art because am bad at making art but you guys can make art of my character's if you want! Anyway back to the story)
Amor: Huh?!
???: Can you please get off me?
Amor: wait are you my pillow?!
Amor pov: why just why everything i had is turning real
???: uh did you not hear me i said yes
Amor: uh yeah i heard you am so sorry hear let me get off of you
Amor got off his pillow human thing
???: Thanks
Amor: your welcome oh also
???: do you need something?
Amor: what's your name because my name is amo-
Chairles: His name is amor
Amor:.... HEY!
Chairles: oops sorry
???: well my name is Pilli
Amor: that's a nice name
Pilli: thanks and hello Chairles
Chairles: hello
Amor: okay sooo
Chairles and pilli: Huh is everything Okay?
Amor: So Ooh chairles you said us so since Pilli is here how many more of you pp
Chairles: Oh theres a lot of us
Amor: Oh anyways are you guys hungry?
Both: Yes!
Amor: Follow me downstairs and i will make food
Both: Okay
They went downstairs to the kitchen and amor started to make food
After amor made food
Amor: hope you guys enjoy!
Chairles: your food is great but what's that black tentacle come out of your hand?
Pilli: yeah what is that?
Amor then looked at his hand and then he ran away
Amor pov: oh $h!t got to got to go
Amor: ran to the bathroom and locked himself inside
Amor: oh fūçk oh god no no no NO
That's when amor wigs came out
Amor pov: i i i can't go back please i can't PLEASE
That's when a knock on the door happen
Amor: uh who is it!?
Bofo: Amor its me bofo
Amor: oh uh you guys came back...uhhh
Bofo: amor is everthing okay?
Amor: uh yes....
Bosip: Amor open the door or else i will kick the door down
Amor: uh no
Bosip: that's it am KICKING THE DOOR DOWN
Amor: wait please
Amor screams
Bosip: AMOR!!!
That's when he kick the door down and seen amor being drag in a portal
Bosip: what the wait AMOR NO!
Bosip ran and grab amor's arm
Bofo: Guys we need to help bosip!
They help bosip but the portal was to strong and they all let go they fell on each other
Bosip: ow
Bob: AMOR!
Bob ran to try to grab amor but he was pulled into the portal to
Bosip: BOB!
And then the portal closed
Bobal: what the füçk
(Oh and by the way boder gem can talk for him okay)
Boder talking gem: What just happened?
Bobot: Bob and Amor just got taken by that portal
Chairles: Wait AMOR WAS KIDNAP?!
Chairles: lh my name is Chairles and his name is Pilli
Pilli: Hello
Bobot: h hello
Chairles: but you said amor was kidnapped and when well while you guys were gone be had a tentacle growing out of his right hand and he ran away when i asked him what that was
Bosip: hmm okay but let me go grab my phone so i can check bob's tracker i put on him one day
Bobal: wait you put a tracker on him?!
Bosip: yeah just to make sure he is okay
Bobot: does it have a Carma
Bosip: yrs why?
Bobot: can you get me one so i can put it on bobal?
Bobal: WTF NO!!!
Bosip: sure but please put your dog on a leash
Bobal: AM NOT A DOG-
Bofo: okay can you guys please stop because we need to get bobby and amor back
Bosip: okay
With bob and amor
Bob: ughhhfff amor where are we🥴
Amor: bob you should not be here...
Bob: what why?!
Amor: Bob run while you can
Bob: huh?!
That's when amor use his hands to open up a portal
Amor: bob go now...
Bob: b b but
Bob: but i can't just leave you here!
Amor eyes then turned blacked and his eyes were dripping black stuff and his pupils were res like blood
Bob: okay!
Bob ran threw the portal and he was back home about to fall on bosip
Okay that's the end i will ofc not fix any mistakes okay and here is all my words i used to type words (1001)

Amor x his chair and other things/people And The Mission To Save Amor And MoreWhere stories live. Discover now