Faimly time

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Bob: Hey amor me and the others are going to a friends house for a sleepover we will come back in 4 weeks
Amor: Okay stay safe
He looks around
Amor: Brother!
Bob: I will but same with you bye
Amor: Bye
Amcha: There gone?!
Amor: Yep Amcha
Amcha: Aw i was playing with my friends
Amor: We know
Chairles: Ohh baby
Amor: Oh no....
Chairles: You know what time it is?
Amor: Yup...
Chairles: Faimly time!
Amor: Hahaha!
Chairles: Babe um quick question how is your forms?
Amor: Umm my wolf form is good

Chairles: Amir why do you have your eyes like that
Amor: I have to have these for a long time
Chairles: Oh
Amoke: Dad dad!
Chairles: Yes amoke
Amoke: When will you guys get married?
Amor: Uhhh
Chairles: After are friends
Amoke: Okay and i have something to tell you
Amor: What is it
Amoke: Amcha is upset because she can't play outside
Chairles: Well were going on a trip to no not six flags
Amor: Awww
Chairles: But to Universal Studios or somewhere else
Amoke: Yay
Chairles: Amor the reason were not going to six flags is because you ran off
Amor: Aww okay
Chairles: Honey go pack amoke go tell your siblings to go pack
Amoke: Okay
She ran to go pack
Amor: I got to go feed the kids
Chairles: Alright
Amir went to go feed the babies
Chairles: Welp i'll go pack for him
After amor feed the babies

Amor: Thank god I am done anyways Let's get you guys change
With Chairles
Chairles: Babe am done packing your stuff
Amor: THANK YOU!!!
Chairles: Np
Chairles: Kida you done packing?
Amoke: Almost
Amor: If you're done put it in the camper
Everyone: Okay
Amor: And done haha!
After 3 hours everyone was done packing their stuff was in the camper
Amor: Kids you ready?
Camel: Yeah!
Chairles: In the camper or car
Everyone: Okay
Amor: Hey bave
Chairles: Yes?
Amor: Will we get another hotel room with the kids with different rooms?
Chairles: Sadly yes
Amor: Well its actually good because i kind wanted to
Chairles: Have more kids?
Amor: Yea-- Wait no
Chairles: haha
Amor: spend time alone...
Chairles: oh alright
Amor: Let's go in the car now
Chairles: okay
They got in the car and drove off
Amor: .....Babe
Chairles: Yeah
Amor: Don't you feel like were being watched?
Chairles: Yeah.....
Amor: Hmmm hey babe
Chairles: Hm?
Amir: Can i get a kiss
Chairles: Not right now love
Amor: Awww
Chairles: We will be there in 6 hours
Amor: Aw man the kids are asleep i think
Chairles: We can make out at the hotel okay
Amor: WHAT!
After 6 hours they were at the hotel
Amor: Everyone wake up and come get your rooms!
Everyone: Okay!
After they got there rooms
Chairles locks there door
Amor: Babe?
Chairles: Hehehe
Amor: Babe no...
He grabs amor
Chairles: I told you we will make out
Chairles: Yes!
They got naked
Amor: F you
Chairles: Love you to
( Let's leave them making out )
With the girls
Amoke: Glad you can come dear!
????: Love you!
Amoke: Love you t-
They hear werid unholey nosies
Amoke: Papa and dad must be doing the dirty
????: Oh god your parents
Amoke: Want to know something?
????: Sure
Amoke: They will leave there door open but my dad nows locks it but i keep on hearing them until one night i heard papa made a unholey nosie so loud that it kept me and my siblings up
????: Omg
Amoke: Yeah...
Amoke: Anyways let's go to sleep at night
????: Night
They felled asleep

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