To the mission

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Bob: B b babe you up?
Bosip: Mmm yeah
Bob: When can we have kids?
Bosip just started to blush ./////////.
Bosip: Soon b babe
Bob: Okay
With Bofo and boder
Bofo: Thank you boder for helping me make the pancakes and bacon and scramble eggs
Boder talking gem: Your welcome!
Boder went close to Bofo and Bofo just blush
Bofo: Uhh boder you know i am my human form and your kinda choking me
Boder talking gem: SORRY!
Boder was about to cry
Boder: ╥﹏╥
Bofo then hugs boder and boder just couldn't stop hugging him
That's when they heard a door open and they heard bowaev said
Bowaev: Is that Pancakes and bacon and scramble!!!
Bofo: Yes bowaev come sit down
Bowaev ran to the table and day down and waited for the others to come down
After everybody came down
Amor: These are good bacon and pancakes
Pilli: Why don't you like the eggs
Amor: Because i just don't like some type of eggs
Bob: He's just pick
Amor: HEY!
Bob: Hahahaha!
Bobot: I just wanted my cereal
Bobal: Oh shut up and eat
After everybody was done eating
Pilli: Bruh please don't scream
Soaie: Please can we go now
Pilli: Guys why am saying please don't scream it because we have a MISSION TO DO!
Everybody: OH RIGHT
Pilli: whitch means we need to get pack HURRY!
Everybody ran to pack
While Pilli started the car
Amor was done first
Amor: Hey pilli~
Pilli: Please don't say my name like that
Amor: Awww your so cute when you do that
Amor went over to Pilli and kissed him on the mouth they were kinda making out until they heard the rest and they let go
Pilli: You asked for it
Amor: Hfgnnsindbai
Pilli grabs amor and place him in the second front seat
While the rest put there stuff in and buckled up
And they started to drive off
After 20 hours a drive just 20 more to go
Amor started to drive now
Amor: More coffee pls
Coffee person: Alright here you go
Amor: thank you
Amor pov: God i want to howl at the full moon but i have to stop the camper you know what am just going to do it
Amor stopped the car hard and ran out he did not know he woke everybody up
Bosip: What the!
They seen amor running
Bobot: Wait amor's running!
They got out the car and bob was first and bob started to run fast
Bosip: BOB WAIT!
But bob did not hear him and he was al at amor
Bob ppv: what is he doing?
That's when he heard amor do this

Bob pov: did he just he just howl!
That's when amor heard bob feet
Amor was in his wolf form his wolf form is where he has a crystal tail and crystal wolf ears
Amor: BOB?!
Bob: H h hey amor...
Amor slowlywalked to bob and grab his neck
Amor: Don't tell anyone do you hear me but i found are mission get the rest okay
Bob: Okay!
Bob ran to go get the rest while amor kept on howing

Amor realize that other wolves were howling to
Amor: Hehe i love my wolves
Bosip: Amor there you are
Amor: Look!
They looked and they seen this black figer dropping Posin on the ground
Bobal: So we have to kill him?
Amor: Yep
The end there will be more words count time yay! Words i used (613)

Amor x his chair and other things/people And The Mission To Save Amor And MoreDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora