Finding Amor

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Bob: Amor where did he go?
Chairles: Oh s-it where is he?!
Pilli: AMOR!
Bosip: I told you guys someone needs to hold onto amor
Bowaev: Amor promise me ice cream so can we please find him?
Boder: Yeah how about we split up
Bosip: Is anyone phone dead
Everybody but bosip: No
Bosip: Okay bob and me and bowaev will go in a group boder and bofo will go together and bobal and bobot you know y'all are going together Chairles and Soaie and Pilli go together and sticky and geese and tama and Cesar go together Mimi and Blu together and ash and jghost go together okay?
Everybody: Okay
With amor
Amor: Hello? Guys!
Amor pov: Where is everyone?;
A stranger: Hey little kid you lost?~
Amor: Bruh am littrey 18 but yeah
Stranger: Come with me I'll take you to your friends
Amor: O o oh okay thank you!
With bob and bosip and bowawv
Bowaev: Amor? Did you guys know that amor means love in Spanish?
Bosip: Yeah i knew
Bob: Same but anyways Amor where are you come out now or else your in big trouble!?
Bosip: Amor come out
With bobal and bobot
Bobal: Man i wish i was watching anime but no amor just had to do missing
Bobot: Well if you help then it would go faster
With Chairles and the others
Pilli: Alhubu ayin ant! Translate ( Love where are you!)
Chairles: What did you just say?
Soaie: Yeah what language was that?
Pilli: Oh its some language amor taught me!
Chairles: Anyways AMOR WHERE ARE YOU!!!
With amor
Amir: Hey i never got your name
Jake: Oh its jake babe
Amor: Babe? I am not your babe am already taken
Jake: Oh really....
With mimi and blu
Mimi: let's just give up
Blu: What no why?!
Mimi: Because we can't find him...
Blu: Oh well your just one of those give uppers
That's when something hit Blu in the back of the head
It was a rock with a note tie to it
Mimi: Its a note it says
Hello for anybody who is reading this please help me i was meant by this stranger and he told me that he could bring me to my friends and i think he's trying to kidnap me so pls help were going to the exit we were closed to the scream so if you see this now we just passed you
By amor
Mimi: Wait this is amor hand writing!
Blu: Take a picture and send it to the rest!
Mimi: Okay!
With ash and jghost
Ash: Hey did you get a text from someone?
Jghost: Yeah you did to uh wait its from mimi and he said meet by the exit amor will be there!
Ash: Well lets go!
(Btw am doing this for fun so no hate)
With everyone at the exit
Bosip: You sure he will be here?
Mimi: Yes the note was in his hand writing and it said from amor
Chairles: i just want amor back so we can g-
That's when they heard a voice
Pilli: Wait that voice amor?!
They seen amor being drag by another guy
Amor: Help pls
Chairles grabs amor hand
Jake: Can you let go of my loves hand!
Chairles: XD YOUR LOVE YOUR LOVE! He's mine bitch!
Chairles punch the guy really hard witch made him passed out
Pilli: Lets just leave
Amor: No but me me want my can-
Chairles: You can get some tmr because am going to the candy shop tmr
Amor: Yay!
They left six flags before it closed and they went in the car back to the hotel to sleep
Amor: Night sticky
Sticky: Gn
They all fell asleep but for two and you will see that in the next chapter
End of chapter words used in my story words (676)

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