The Rest of the Story

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"My dear friends," the wizard shouted, "Let me entertain you with a tale of my recent adventure."

He raised his hands, and a shimmering image appeared above the room - a breathtaking landscape filled with majestic mountains and lush forests.

The audience leaned in, hanging on to the wizard's every word. He continued, "We set out to slay the fearsome dragon and rescue the princess."

A gasp rose from the crowd as the image shifted to reveal a terrifying beast with scales the color of midnight and eyes that burned with fury.

"Night after night, we faced perils in pursuit of the monster. We navigated treacherous landscapes. But our resolve never wavered, and one fateful day, we found ourselves at the entrance of the dragon's lair!"

The wizard recounted their epic battle with the dragon, describing the clash of steel and the flash of sorcery in vivid detail. The magic imagery shifted with the story. The patrons clung to each word, their eyes wide and their breaths held.

Finally, the mage described how he and his comrades managed to vanquish the beast, rescue the princess, and earn their place as heroes. The tavern erupted in cheers and applause.

As the applause subsided and the wizard basked in the adulation, a mysterious figure approached the storyteller.

"My dear wizard," the stranger said, his voice both silky and sinister. "You tell a most captivating tale. However, I'm afraid you left out a few details."

The hooded figure pulled back his cloak, revealing his true form. The dragon from the wizard's tale. Gasps filled the room as the patrons watched.

The dragon smiled, "You see, my dear friends, the heroes of this tale, as the princess eloquently put it, got their assess handed to them." The dragon laughed, "By the princess! She didn't like having her piano lessons interrupted." The dragon laughed again, "You forgot to mention you went to the wrong lair."

With a flick of his tail, the dragon winked and disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a stunned wizard and a tavern full of wide-eyed patrons.

Clearing his throat, the wizard said, "Well, my dear friends, the moral of this story. Never underestimate an angry princess, and always check the address twice."

The tavern irrupted with laughter.

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