Rayleigh being a total mom and husband to everyone

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Roger opened the beer and took a sip then he looked at Rayleigh who was looking at the water then out of no where a big whale dived behind Rayleigh and it made a big spalsh. The water went up and made a heart like the water knew Roger liked Rayleigh oden and Roger looked at Rayleigh who looked beautiful with the ocean creating a heart in the background of him. Rayleigh took a sip of his beer then he looked at the sky then the sun was setting on Rayleigh side and Rayleigh was getting even more beautiful the clouds turned into hearts and the sky turned pink and orange and also red and some yellow. Rayleigh sighed and then Rayleighs hair moved making Rayleigh even more beautiful then Rayleigh fixed his glasses and Roger and oden saw the sun in his glasses and made Rayleigh in the moment more beautiful and attractive. Rayleigh turned his head and looked at them and smiled and said "the sunset is beautiful right" then the sunset went away and out came all the stars and then Roger saw shooting stars going behind Rayleigh like he was perfect.

Roger finally nodded and said "the sunset does look beautiful Rayleigh" oden replied with "ya it kinda reminds me of your hair Rayleigh I mean the blonde is like yellow" then someone said "agreed Rayleighs hair looks a lot like a sunset." They all looked behind them and saw Zoey from god valley they all were shocked of seeing her but calmed down and oden said "at least she agrees with me" Zoey laughed but then she stopped when she saw Noelle approaching them. Everyone then saw Zoey being absolutely in love with Noelle she always had a crush on Noelle since the battle in god valley, Noelle walked to them and said "this is gonna be a beautiful night and also oh hi Zoey." Zoey calmed down and said "hi Noelle" Noelle smiled and said "Rayleigh, shanks and buggy are at it again and also they stole my maps again for the fifth time this week" Rayleigh then sighed annoyingly because he always had to deal with those two every single time. Rayleigh sighed again and said "I have to go and teach them again not to take stuff from other people without their permission" everyone said bye to Rayleigh who walked where Noelle was pointing too.

Roger sighed and said "thx Noelle I couldn't deal with his beauty any longer" Noelle replied with "your welcome" oden sighed and said I am gonna go train so bye" everyone said bye to oden who left to go to the training room. Noelle sighed and said "I am gonna see if Rayleigh got my map back so bye guys" zoey and Roger waved goodbye to Noelle who left in the same direction as Rayleigh. Roger smirked and said "so you like Noelle zoey" zoey replied with "yes and you like Rayleigh" Roger laughed and said "yep" Zoey smiled and said "let's get something to eat I am starving" Roger replied with "same" Zoey then followed Roger to the kitchen. Roger and Zoey walked in the kitchen to see Noelle again sitting at the table reading her map and writing in her journal and also Rayleigh was there with shanks and buggy. Rayleigh was cooking while shanks and buggy was watching Noelle because every time she would finish a sentence in her journal the pen would glow and the pen would light up with fireworks in it which was really beautiful and cool to see and it was actually made by Noelle herself.

Zoey walked past Roger and sat by Noelle who was to focused on her journal she did not see Zoey next to her but shanks and buggy saw her so they ran to Zoey and jumped hugged her and Zoey just hugged them back. Roger walked in the kitchen and saw a beer on the counter next to Rayleigh and Roger thought it was maybe Rayleighs so he didn't grab it then rouge walked in the kitchen and Roger walked to her and said "where have you been." Rouge sighed and said "I had to leave because I heard something from downstairs but it was just Tom fixing something" Roger nodded then Rayleigh turned around and shanks and buggy let go of Zoey and ran to Rayleigh who just gave them their food and they both walked to their rooms. Rayleigh turned to Roger and rouge and just smiled at them and said "hey you two or you three" Zoey smiled and said "hello me and Roger were hungry so we wanted something to eat so we came to kitchen to get something to eat." Rayleigh nodded and said "I can give you what I made for shanks and buggy because I made a lot of it" Zoey  nodded and Roger just said "cake" Rayleigh laughed and said "no Roger no cake but we do have cupcakes in the pantry."

Roger face lit up and he ran to the kitchen and Zoey just laughed at others behavior and then Noelle closed her journal and looked up to see all of them talking to each other while Rayleigh was getting the food ready. Zoey noticed that Noelle was looking at them so she said "Noelle what do you write in your journal other than facts about islands and facts about people" noelle replied with "facts about everything." Zoey became shocked but then smiled and said "that's cool" Noelle replied with "thank you" Roger cape running back with cupcakes in his hands and Noelle started laughing at Rogers childish behavior. Rayleigh finally finished so he gave rouge and Zoey their food and they both said "thank you" to Rayleigh who just said "your welcome" Rayleigh sighed and said "well I am gonna go to bed night" Noelle is the only who replied since everyone was sleeping Noelle replied with "night Rayleigh." Rayleigh waved and walked out of the kitchen then Noelle packed up her stuff and left and Zoey followed her and she didn't know until Zoey said "Noelle can I sleep in your room tonight" noelle nodded and Zoey and Noelle walked to noelles room to go to bed because they were both tired.
To be continued~

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