Roger finally tells Rayleigh how he feels and roger gets help finally

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Everyone went to bed an hour ago except Rayleigh but he didn't know Roger was also up and Roger was looking at him, Rayleigh was washing the dishes like a true mom. Rayleigh was almost done until he heard rogers voice who said "Rayleigh go to bed it is three in the morning" Rayleigh turned around and saw Roger who leaning on the kitchen doorway. Rayleigh sighed and said "I can't Roger I have to finish the dishes" Roger replied with something that was shocking he said "you would make a great husband and parent one day."

Rayleigh turned stunned and said "oh you really think so" Roger replied with "ya I feel like everyone would want you as a dad or a parent or a partner"Rayleigh smiled at Roger and said "thanks Roger but you don't need to say that about me I think you would be a great father." Roger turned surprised but then smiled and said "I know I will be" Rayleigh sighed and said "finally I am done with these dishes" Roger replied with "I need to tell you something Rayleigh." Rayleigh turned around and said "sure what is it" Roger sighed and said "don't hate me" Rayleigh replied with "I would never hate you you know that Roger."

Roger smiled and said "ok but the thing is this will probably be shocking and weird it is that I have a crush on you I know it's weird and I understand you are married." Rayleigh was in shock while Roger kept going on, Rayleigh was quiet very quiet that Roger stopped talking and said "are you ok Rayleigh I am sorry I said that I knew I shouldn't have said that." Rayleigh looked up at Roger and said "it's fine Roger" Roger was shocked but said "really I thought you were mad at me or disgusted at me or disappointed at me but rouge knows I means she said it was obvious."

Rayleigh was feeling a lot right now he was feeling happy, sad, mad, stressed, scared, and upset but he was mostly guilty but he saw Roger happy and relieved because Roger had that on his chest for a long time now. Rayleigh knew him and Roger were married to women who both knew they liked each other but the problem was that him and Roger didn't know that the other person liked them back until Roger finally confessed. Rayleigh sighed and said "Roger I guess we are both idiots" Roger turned confused then realized what Rayleigh meant by they were both idiots because they both liked each but they didn't know the other person liked them back and both were obvious.

Rayleigh sighed and said "well what do we do know" Roger replied with "I have no clue" Rayleigh then noticed Roger didn't look well because Roger wasn't another thing Roger hasn't told Rayleigh yet is that he was sick. Roger sighed and said "Rayleigh I have another thing to say and that is I am sick" Rayleigh turned shocked and said "why didn't you get help Roger." Roger replied with "I didn't want to worry anyone" then Noelle walked in and said "you need help Roger we have Zoey on the ship she is a qualified surgeon and doctor."

Rayleigh sighed and said "thank you Noelle" Noelle replied with "your welcome Rayleigh oh and did you tell him Roger" Roger nodded and said "yes I did and he told me he liked me back." Noelle opened a cabinet and grabbed a candle and said "that is good news but you guys know you can't date because you both are married I mean divorce does exist but you have to have both spouses to sign it." Noelle closed the cabinet and started walking out but was stopped by Roger who said "well both of our wives know we like each other so probably they will agree to the divorce."

Noelle sighed and said "fine but before that you need to get medical help Roger" Roger replied with "no" Noelle sighed in frustration and screamed "yes you do Roger and I will never take no for an answer." Roger sighed in agreement and they both  just followed Noelle to her room because that is where Zoey was, Noelle opened the door and Zoey was on Noelles couch. Zoey looked up and saw all three of them and Zoey sighed and said "let me guess Roger needs medical help" Noelle nodded and said "yep" Zoey sighed in frustration and got up and said "where is the medical room" Noelle replied with "follow me."

Everyone just nodded and followed Noelle to the medical room Noelle opened the door and everyone walked in then Zoey walked up to the desk and said "sit down on the bed Roger." Roger walked to the bed and sat down and then Zoey walked over and pulled out a needle, Noelle sighed and then Zoey put the needle in rogers arm and pushed the syringe and all the liquid went in. Noelle sighed and said "is that all Zoey" Zoey pulled out the syringe and said "yes until tomorrow when we have to do it again" Noelle and Rayleigh nodded and then Zoey put a bandage where the needle was then she walked over to a cabinet and everyone was confused.

Zoey then pulled out a bottle of pills and a scalpel Zoey then closed the cabinet and walked over to us and put down the scalpel and then gave Roger pills so he can heal faster. Roger grabbed them and said "thank you Zoey" Zoey just nodded and smiled the Zoey grabbed the scalpel and Roger stood up and walked over to Noelle and Rayleigh. Then Zoey said "Noelle sit down remember you have to get your daily dose of medicine for your bloodstream" Noelle sighed and walked over and sat down and then took off the bandage on her arm and Zoey then cut the scar that was left from yesterday then Zoey put the syringe in with a heart monitor on noelles other shoulder.
To be continued this took a long time~

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