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I woke up in a cold sweat. I looked at my hands, wondering if I really was dreaming about that guy. I rubbed my face quickly trying to wake up more. "Just another dream..." I thought to myself as I rolled over to my side and laid my head back. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Just then someone knocked on the door. I groaned loudly and sat up. I opened the door and saw a boy standing there. He looked around 10 years old. Whose child is this? I looked down at the child. "Uh..yes?" I asked. The little boy pulled out a piece of paper and slowly started to read from it. "Hello, I live with my brother and uhm he sent me over to you because, we got your mail so here you go" he said and then folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket, then handed me a small box. "Thanks, oh wait, can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure!" he replied. "Why is your brother sending you to deliver my mail?" he tilted his head and smiled. "Oh, well I guess he is shy," he smiled at me. I laughed lightly. "Well, there is nothing to be shy about," I said, smiling slightly at him. "I'll relay that message to him, now I shall go now, it was nice to meet you" The little boy said then ran over next door. Shy....huh?, I closed and locked my door and I heard voices almost like the muttering of the man I dreamed about. I shook my head and walked to the kitchen and got a knife to open up the box. It must've been those stress pills I have been waiting for...I slowly cut the tape off the box and opened up the box. Inside it was a ring. What is this? This isn't even mine....maybe I should go next door? I looked at the ring and it looked very pretty, but it wasn't mine. I slipped on my hoodie and grabbed the box and went next door. I never knew people moved next door so I found it odd that I haven't seen nor heard anything about it. I knocked on the door and looked around. I heard running to the door as I heard a male voice saying "coming!". The door opened and I dropped the box as I met the eyes of the person that was in my dreams.

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