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I quickly woke up, because of what just happened. I felt myself blushing hard, am I gay? Oh god... I sat up and looked at the clock. It was 4:44 AM. I looked at the ring again and sighed. I looked at the ring and wondered if I should put it on. I slowly put it on my ring finger and it fit perfectly. It looked nice on me. I took off the ring and looked at it. I smiled softly wishing my dreams were real. I put the ring back on and laid back down. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. But I didn't dream at all...
I woke up and felt very sluggish but I had plans today and that was going to get some food. I got dressed and grabbed my keys and phone and headed out to the car and drove to the nearest small store. I walked in and went to the food area, the shelves were restocked so they had the good stuff. I picked up soda,noodles,chips,snacks and headed to the register. The cashier was an older lady with gray hair. She was wearing glasses and a yellow shirt. I paid for my items and she rang them up and I paid. "Thanks" I said and I quickly walked out of the store. I unlocked my car and got inside and started driving home. I stopped by a gas station and got gas, and then I continued to drive home. I got home and I walked into my room and put everything away, then I started to unpack my bags. I heard the doorbell ring so I rushed to see who was standing at the door. My heart dropped and it was him. I quickly fixed my hair that was pulled back into a man bun and fixed my glasses. Then I opened the door, "Hey neighbor, wanna hang?" he said. I look at him for a second and then I nod slowly. "Sure, come on in," I said, opening the door wider. He walked in and looked at me. "You can sit anywhere you like," I said while closing and locking the door. "Alright" he said and he sat down, I looked at him and looked away quickly. "I just bought snacks, you want some?" I asked, he looked at me and nodded "thanks' ' he muttered. I got us some chips and sat next to him. We chatted about random things. I started to feel very comfortable with him. He kept staring at me and it made me feel...never mind. "I didn't catch your name" I said hoping that I'll get his name. "My name is Ren '' he said. "Nice to meet you Ren, I'm Makoto, '' I replied. His eyes went wide when I said my name. "I like your name, Makoto, '' he muttered. I smiled and turned away. "You're wearing it," Ren says. I look back at him, confused... "You wearing that means you're mine" he added. He was talking like he was in my dreams. He turned his whole body towards me. I gulped and looked at the floor. "I-I'm not yours, and I don't want you to touch me" I said. He smirked and ran his hands through his hair. "Who said I was gonna touch you? Are your dreams of me that good? '', he said. I stood up quickly and looked at him. "So you knew and you were teasing me?" I asked, sounding pissed. "Duh, but you are mine now and there is no going back" he said and laughed as he stood up and looked down at me. "I will never go out with you" I snapped. He stopped laughing and glared at me. "Then that last dream of yours was nothing but like it or not, your soul is mine." he muttered. I blushed hard and covered his mouth, "Shut up about that, that was a stupid dream.." I whispered harshly. "We both know you enjoyed it, and now I am going to take you and make you mine" he whispered into my ear. I gasped softly and I felt my hand start to shake. "Please" I whimpered. He grabbed my chin and turned my head towards him, he kissed me and I felt my knees buckle. His lips were soft and warm against my own. I moaned into his mouth and wrapped my arms around him. I moved my hands up his back and held onto his neck. He broke the kiss and looked at me with lust filled eyes. "You want this don't you?" he asked. I nodded slowly and then he kissed me again. His lips were hot against mine. He licked my lips and I tasted him. His tongue touched my lips and I opened my mouth. He stuck his tongue into my mouth and explored it. -they did the nasty basically-

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