ch.8 pt.1

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{ren's pov] Many years ago...
"Ren!" I heard my mother call. I woke up and opened my eyes and saw my mother in front of me with a worried expression on her face. "Mom?" I said quietly. I rubbed my eyes to see her better. She looked like she hasn't slept well recently, she always looks tired lately. "Oh, hello dear" she said with a smile. I sat up and looked at her, "What are you doing here mom? How long have you been here?" I asked her. "I came here early today because I haven't seen you since yesterday," she murmured. "That was 5 hours ago mom...It's 5 am in the morning" I replied. She left 5 hours ago but she never told me that she was coming back, I guess this is her making up for the time we lost. "Well I gotta put this key to good use" she said while looking down with a frown on her face. "He is your father and his girlfriend?" She asked. "I don't talk to him any more, ever since he got his girlfriend he never reached out to me... plus we have nothing in common anymore, he changed, he is different now" I muttered. She looked down, "Well, I see...get some rest" She said as she got and hugged me and then left. I laid back down and just stared at the ceiling. Why did they break up anyways? I thought to myself. Was it because of me? No, I never got to ask. I sighed and closed my eyes. I started dreaming really fast, I wasn't controlling my body, and It was a guy and he looked shorter than me. He looked at me while his face was red, and he was looking away a bunch. Then my body pulled him closer and we started french kissing. My tongue pressed against his lips and he moaned softly. I ran my hands through his hair and then I started pushing him down on the bed. I didn't know what the hell was going on, and I am not gay and I am having a wet dream about a guy?? Then I felt something, he touched me down there and I freaked out and woke up screaming and sweating. I felt so embarrassed and my cheeks were burning up. I checked under the sheets to see if something grew, but nothing did. Am I gay or something?, and did I make that guy up in my dreams? I shook it off and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I got up and put a jacket on and took a walk. Maybe that can help to get my mind off things?, It was still dark but the sun was slowly coming up. I kept walking and then I saw a tiny coffee shop was open, I was interested so I went in. I walked in and my heart dropped, it was that guy from my dreams... "Welcome !, What would you like?" he asked. He had dark brown hair and he had glasses on, which is hot, not gonna lie. He must work here, well duh of course he does. "Uhm..hello?", I flinched and looked around then looked right at him. "I'd like what you like" I said. I kept eye contact, which is one of the things I am not good at. "What?" His eyes widened a bit. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "I mean..I want what you like, This is my first time here, so I wanna taste your taste" I answered while smirking a bit. He quickly broke eye contact, and turned around, "Sure I can I guess" he answered. I sat down while he made my coffee. He started making the coffee and he made it look so easy, and tasty. "Do you want cream or sugar?" he asked. "Both please" I said. He smiled and poured in the milk and then added some creamer and sugar. He handed me my cup and I began sipping it. It was delicious, I loved it. I kept drinking it while staring at him. He was just standing there with a shy smile. "This is really good" I said while smiling. "I came up with the recipe myself" he said shyly, he looked very cute... I felt the tension between me and him and I was going crazy about it. "That's impressive, and I really like it" I said. Then someone came through the door, "BABBY, I missed you so much" I heard a female voice say, and ran up to him and hugged him. I am guessing that's his girlfriend. "Hey, Mika" He said while smiling brightly. I tried to hide but I don't know if it was obvious. "Oh, I never got your name" He said to me. I quickly looked at him and then his girlfriend and then back at him. "I'm Ren," I muttered. "Ren! Nice to meet you, I'm Makoto and this is my girlfriend Mika," he said with a smile on his face. Gosh...I never been so damn needy, That dream replaying in my mind over and over. I could feel my heart racing faster and faster. "Nice to meet you too Ren" Mika said as she patted me on the shoulder. I felt weirded out, why did she have to be here? I frowned and sipped my coffee while she kept talking. Then they left and she talked to him as he did his job. I finished my coffee and people kept coming in and he looked very busy. I took a piece of paper and wrote "I can help you and I really won't mind if I do it for free" I was blushing hard and I wrote my number also and put it where he could see it and left. I just hope he calls me. I got in my home and locked the door, and my heart was in pain. I groaned loudly and then I saw something my mom left on the looked like a key?, and it was glowing. I held it in my hands and looked at it, and it was a blue color. Then I put it in front of me and suddenly a door appeared before me. I got scared for a second but then I examined the door and then opened it. There were flowers everywhere, and it smelled nice. I walked in even more and then shouted "hello?" and then someone or something answered me.
"Hello, I am Kazuki" I turned around and saw a old man floating in the air, "I see your mother gave you the key of wisdom" I was confused, "Huh?". "I guess your mom kept this a secret...but lemme warn you, you must stop it from happening" he said in a serious tone. I was once again confused. "What do you mean by that? , what are you talking about?" I asked. "That guy you met...just take him" he said then disappears and I woke up on the floor, I was confused and then I got a phone call. I rubbed my eyes and felt a little dizzy, I grabbed my phone and looked and it say unknown caller . I answered the phone. "Hello?, who's this?" I said. "'s me Makoto...I saw your note" he said. My desire for him was almost at my limit, I couldn't control myself. "Yes, uhh...I'm guessing you don't need any help.." I managed to get out. "No!, I called to say sure...if you want you can start tomorrow, are you able to tomorrow?" he asked. "Uh-....yeah I'll be there" I said while breathing hard. "Are you okay?, you sound not alright" he asked sounding worried. My body was acting all weird, my hands started to shake a bit. "I'm fine, I got to go rest" I said. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, bye" he said and hung up. I ran to my room and put on my pajamas and jumped into bed. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Damn it!, I just can't stop thinking about him, I'm going so fucking crazy right now... I tossed and turned in my bed. Tomorrow will be great I think...I fell asleep with thoughts of him running through my head.
I woke up in the afternoon after I went to bed in the morning, And I got 24 hrs to think this all through and that was also driving me crazy. How am I supposed to take him?That makes no sense... I went to the living room and started to watch tv. I felt drowsy still, and my cheeks were burning up. I guess I have a crush on you...or more. I felt like there was a pressure building inside me, I wanted him...I wanted to see him so bad. I got on my jacket and shoes and left and locked the door. Then I started running to his coffee shop. I pushed myself harder and I was panting, but I couldn't care less. I hurried in and he was the only one there. "Oh hey!" He said with a bright smile on his face. I was panting hard and nearly was about to pass out but I smiled back at him. "Wow, you look so sweaty" he said while looking at me, he grabbed a dry rag and handed it to me. "Yeah, I've been running.." I said while taking a seat. "Relax, and what do you want to drink?" He asked while laughing softly. I looked away, "Anything that you like" I said while looking at him. He smiled softly and he started making it. I watched him making it and he was making it with ease. He was doing everything smoothly and quickly. Then he handed me my coffee and I grabbed it while putting my hand on his a little then took my coffee and sipped it and he looked at me, I felt the heat rise between us and I gulped. I saw him smile, and then he looked away. "Thanks again for volunteering" he said as his cheeks turned light pink. I nodded and looked at him. "Do you bake?I can make some for the shop," I said. "Well not really" He said while chuckling a bit. "Can you show me how?" he asked me. I nodded and he took me to the kitchen. I needed to buy some things for that and I told him the basics. I knew what I had to get so it was no trouble. Later we stayed in the shop and I helped him out by making coffee. I kept looking at him or you can say checking him out. I shook it off, but I couldn't help myself. He was wearing a black shirt with a white jacket, and black pants, and his hair was tied back with his glasses on. He was cute, and beautiful, and sexy... I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He was staring at me too while working. We were in sync with each other and I kept making mistakes, he caught them and corrected me. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. He was so calm and collected, he didn't yell or anything, he just corrected me gently. I know he has a girlfriend but, he will be mine... I felt the lust build up inside of me. I looked at him every chance I got, and then he started to notice me too. Fuck...What I would if I could him...fuck...I thought while feeling my blood boiling. Later on the shop got empty and we were cleaning up"You're pretty good, you can go home now and rest" he said while looking at me. "Alright, cya tomorrow" I said. "Wait...I know you are wondering about when you're getting paid-" he began but I talked over him. "You don't have to pay me, it's my pleasure helping you" I said smirking a bit. "AH-, I see thank you.." he said while smiling and I nodded and then I left. I kept thinking about him, I couldn't stop. I just wanted to spend time with him, I wanted to touch him...I wanted to kiss him. I was sweating like crazy, I felt disgusting and horny as hell. When I got home all I did was think about him, and I couldn't control myself. I felt my hormones raging, I felt myself getting wet. I was drooling. I went to my bedroom and stripped down and threw my clothes to the floor. I was so hot, all I wanted to do was fuck. I felt my cock growing hard and I started jerking it. I did that for a while and I felt my orgasm approaching. I was shaking as I came, I kept cumming until I finally calmed down. I leaned forward on the bed and laid there, I couldn't body was exhausted. I fell asleep like that.
I started working for him for about a good month and my baking skills made more and more people come into the coffee shop. My feelings for him were still there but I tried my best to hide it all.
One day I came in to work and I saw him with his girlfriend, they were kissing passionately. My heart dropped and I tried my hardest to not look at them. Then Makoto stopped and looked and tried to talk to me and I waved and went to the kitchen. The rest of the day I was awkward and I couldn't think straight. I tried to forget about it but I couldn't. I kept picturing their faces and bodies. I kept thinking about him and if he is a good kisser. I shook my head hard and did my job. The very next day, Makoto invited me to an extreme laser tag game and he had his other friends with him, they seemed like good people. We got inside and everyone was asking me a bunch of questions, because they didn't know me. They were friendly and welcoming and I liked that. We started playing and me and Makoto were on the same team. 2 people per team. We stayed together and were shooting everyone we saw. We were nearly winning but then the other teams teamed up and hunted us down. Luckily, it was a bunch of places to hide. I took Makoto's hand and we ran away to hide somewhere. I ran to a good hiding spot and it was a small place, I gently pushed Makoto up against the wall. I tried to look away but his body was up against mine. I looked at him and his eyes were sparking and his lips looked kissable. I quickly looked away. "Hey...Are you okay?" he asked in a soft tone. I shook my head no, "If we were alone, I would show you how I feel" I said while looking back into his eyes. His face started to turn red. He looked away and I felt like he had to say something else, I decided to make a move. I leaned my face close to his then gently kissed him. He seemed hesitant and surprised and it wasn't so long until he kissed back , we both closed our eyes and we just kept kissing each other. Our tongues danced in the air as our hands roamed around each other's bodies. We heard someone and we immediately stopped and our faces were red. I pointed my laser gun towards the door and got ready for who was gonna come through it. No one came through and I looked at Makoto and deeply kissed him again. We both broke it off and breathed heavily, I was flustered but he was smiling at me. "I like you, Makoto," I whispered to him. He hugged me tight and kissed me again. "I like you too, Ren.." he said while smiling a bit. His heart was pounding fast against my chest, I could hear it...feel it.

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