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I fell asleep in his warmth. I awoke feeling him touching my face. I looked up and saw him smiling at me. "Morning, '' he whispered. I smiled slightly, and my mind was running and it was all over the place but the only thing about all those places was him. "Was that your first time doing that with a man?" he asked while still looking in my eyes. I looked away and blushed, I smiled and looked at him again. "Yes'' I said shyly. "Did you enjoy it?" he asked. I looked back at him and smiled, "yes, very" I whispered. He looked at me and smiled and he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Good," he said, kissing me again. Then he pulled away, sat up and stretched, "You promise to stay by my side?" he muttered. I looked at him and smiled softly, "Always'' I said as I grabbed his hand. I felt like I was going crazy, even though we met in a weird way, my gut feeling wasn't doing anything...I felt so at peace. He looked at my hand with the ring on my finger and grabbed my other hand and caressed it softly. "I like you Makoto, '' he murmured in my ear. I blushed softly, and it was fast how he already liked me. "I like you too, Ren '' the words slipped out of my mouth and I flinched. He smiled and then he kissed me, his tongue slipped into my mouth. "I love how you taste Makoto, '' he whispered into my ear. I moaned and wrapped my legs around him. He got up and laid down on top of me, we were kissing passionately. It felt like I knew him from long ago...for me to just say that...
Later on he left because he had plans, he worked...I didn't want him to leave but I can't just make it all about me. I went to my room and sat on my bed and I grabbed my remote control and turned on the TV. I flipped through channels until I found a movie channel. I watched movies all day, I ate snacks, I drank soda . I finally couldn't take the boredom anymore so I put on my shoes and jacket and drove to the park. When I parked and got out of the car I locked it and walked towards the playground. I sat down on a swing and looked at the sky. I couldn't stop thinking about Ren...and I'm his...but...then...I felt my stomach drop. Was I in love with him? Could I possibly be? Am I just gay..? I looked at the ground and thought to myself. "Hello, uhm have you seen my dog?" I heard a female voice and I turned around. A girl that looks in her mid twenties was talking to me. She is my type and if we met more early on, I would have asked her out. "No, sorry" I said and then she looked at me funny. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Yea, I haven't seen them here" I said. She sighed and shook her head. "He's gone..." she said sadly. I looked at her with worry, "Where did he go?" I asked. "I don't know...maybe he ran off somewhere, he always does" she said. She looked down and looked like she was gonna cry. My heart started aching and I stood up from the swing and walked towards her and hugged her softly. "It's okay, he'll find his way back, he's a smart dog, he'll find his way back" I said trying to calm her down. I felt her tears going through my shirt since I am taller than her. "I'm sorry about your dog, maybe he'll come back" I said. Then I heard barking and I looked where that barking was coming from. She let go of me and smiled brightly. "Bigspi !!" She yelled and ran to the dog. Her dog came back all of a sudden. "You are an angel, Thank you so much" she shouted with tears in her eyes. I am confused, all of a sudden her dog just comes back... "Can I get your number and maybe we can go out for coffee sometime?" she asked me while holding her dog. I smiled and I handed her my phone. I gave her my number and she wrote it down on her cell phone, she introduced herself and told me her name. "Hi, I'm Mikamoto" she said and then I added my last name. We talked for a minute until she had to leave so she left with her dog. I walked back home and decided to go to sleep and rest.

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