Operation: Archetype

370 6 8

Eastern Ukraine
1825 hrs

Two Operatives were deployed in an unnamed Eastern Ukraine Town to retrieve the cargo, the operatives are Boris, a famed Soviet Commando unit that won lots of combat during his first career in the Second great war.

Boris went ahead to a nearby shrubs and took out his night vision binoculars, he saw lots of patrols in the area, mainly the leftovers of the US forces occupying the area around the Old Soviet Tech Lab.

"Despite being underguarded, this place still crawls with capitalist dogs..." Boris sighed before putting the binoculars back in his bag.

"So tell me why, Soviet Command decided to put us in this shithole? Wasn't this place unusable anymore after the Second Great War was over??" Morales asked as he did his magazine check. He used a modified Dragunov Sniper rifle that could fire Armor Piercing Incendiary rounds to depilot a vehicle up until a light tank.

"Apparently High Command wanted to retrieve Mother Russia's Documents regarding Cybernetic Technology...we made one during Second Great War under the name Volkov and his companion, Chitzkoi, but Volkov went amok when we were supporting a communist movement in Spain and was subdued immediately by the Allies..." Boris then snuck past a patrol and moved to their first checkpoint.

"What comes after that, surely you all managed to retrieve them..." Morales then took out a guard by cracking his neck.

"Yeah, but Volkov went amok again when we were about to transport him so we have no choice but to destroy him, shame we lost them but at least we could build more cyborgs if we just retrieve the documents..." Boris replied as he moved a little bit to the higher ground and aimed his AKM towards another high ground but protected with a bunch of defenses and troops.

"Guess we found our ticket, higher ground on the north... but they managed to turn back the defenses..." Boris sighed as he then looked some more and found some explosive barrels
"But I think we know how to crack them down, Morales, your sniper is useful here..." Boris took a step back as Morales aimed down the scope towards the group of explosive barrels.

"Leave them to me..." Morales put out his cigar and then one clean shot to the barrels enough to destroy the Tesla coils defending the small base on the north, but it came with a cost, now the alarms inside the base are flaring up.

"Well, it comes with the cost, Amigo..." Morales finished shooting the barrels, and Boris stood up and prepped his AKM with a bayonet attached.

"I know the risks, come on... we have little time to react, if we late one second surely the patrol will know..." Boris then headed towards a slope and slid towards the lower level followed by Morales, both onwards towards the entrance where the defenses were destroyed. Luckily, the whole base was already scrambled to find the attacker.

Now, the two approached a battle lab where the documents were believed to be kept.
"I will go inside, guard the outside for me Amigo, where is the document stored?" Morales asked while placing a C4 charge on the door.

"It should be in one of the offices, just the documents, nothing else..." Boris replied as he knelt behind a barricade and used it as a shield, Morales then moved to a safe distance before blowing up the door and then rushed inside.

Boris just waited outside before seeing the Allied guards.
"Гавно....not now!" He then rain fire on the guards, before moving away from the barricade when he saw K9s rushing he used his modified PM handgun to shoot sleeping darts just for this mission, he shot it towards the incoming K9s and subdued them
"At least those have been taken care of..." he sighed before his comms flaring up.

"Comrade Boris, be advised, we detected a mechanical unit using the blueprints of Chitzkoi, we believe it also does similar roles"
"Great, thanks for making the job harder, command...." he muttered under his breath as he began searching for a hiding spot to avoid the so-called "Chitzkoi copy. "

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