Television Lies, Unforseen Outcomes

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5 months after Operation: Archetype
Baikonur Cosmodrome
0400 hrs

2 Operatives under the banner of the Soviet Union were dropped outside the Baikonur Cosmodrome located in Kazakhstan, Allied forces were using the place to launch their Television Satellites after their victory during the Second Great War

The two operatives were unarmed but instead, they wore specialized goggles with tubes attached to their head
"Remember, your objective is to infiltrate into the Cosmodrome, and mind-control one of their engineers to place the device...time to put an end to the US binding us under their not engage with their armoured groups...we are currently lacking the ability to do so, began Operation: Television Lies.."
The command gave the two operatives instructions on how to infiltrate the place, The operatives nodded and they were on their way, every step they took would determine if their mission succeeded or not

30 minutes later

The operatives stood back as the rocket began its launch sequence, the device already sat in place on the tip of the rocket-a propaganda module-as the rocket lifted off, the operatives escaped from the crowd and went back to the base

2 Weeks After Television Lies
JGSDF 1st Experimental Tank Division, 67th Naval Section HQ

Ishui was sitting in his office, his daily routine only consisted of test runs and commandeering tactics of Japan's cutting-edge Kappa Hover Tanks, all of his reports were just filled with the simple results of the testing, he didn't even have to worry about doing budget reports, supplies and such because everything in the base was handled by the government and the main branch of the military

Ishui stretched a little bit after he was done writing a few more lines to his report, he went to the window and admired the view of the seas, he smiled towards the horizon but quickly turned to frown, on one hand, he was still traumatized by what his girls did to him, but on the other hand, he was worried sick about them, he was scared that the new admirals were harsh on them, the dilemma had kept him awake for some time now

"...Wonder how is Azur Lane right now..." he muttered

The door opened revealing Pyotr Veliky entering the office carrying a tray of coffee and a snack

"Captain Ishui....please have some snacks and drink, you have been working hard so I thought you could refresh yourself" Pyotr Veliky opened up as she placed the food and drink on the table

"Ah, thank you, Veliky....but I could fetch them on my own...I don't want to trouble you" Ishui chuckled softly as he went to his desk and saw the refreshments, it was a glass of cold iced coffee and a Russian snack Zefir

"Veliky? What is this?" Ishui asked about the foreign snack that she brought to him

"Ah, that is my homemade Zefir, Captain Norio liked them, so I figured I made some for you is made from milk, sugar, flour, and jam fillings. The texture is like marshmallows" Veliky explained the snack as Ishui immediately tried the snack, he chewed it and could taste the jam, he was at a loss for words before slowly breaking down and cried

"C-Captain? Something wrong? Should I call the medical team?!" Veliky panicked before Ishui just calmed her down

" is's just...I have never been treated like this for 10 years..they all just neglected me..." he sighed as he took a small sip of the tea

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