Fun Mission

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Atsushi propped his head on his hand, slowly blinking and staring off into space. He was listening to the conversations around him.

"Why aren't we getting any fun missionssss...." Dazai whined, putting his book down. Kunikida was nose deep in his notebook, not interested in whatever Dazai had to complain about. Junichiro chimed in.

"That's actually a good question, everything seems so slow lately." He agreed, pulling his arm out of Naomi's grip. Ranpo pulled a sucker away from his mouth.

"I don't know why you're complaining, the less missions we have, the less I have to work!" Ranpo plopped the sucker back in his mouth and laid back in his chair. Kunikida grunted.

"I have to somewhat agree with Ranpo, it is good that we're not getting anything major." Kunikida added, rapidly writing in his notebook.

Atsushi sighed, glancing around the room. Everyone was at least somewhat occupied with things. Junichiro and Naomi were talking, Dazai was reading a book, Ranpo was half asleep with his sucker in his mouth, Kunikida and his notebook, and Kyouka playing a game with Demon Snow. Atsushi itched for something.

"Whats the Port Mafia up to?" Dazai questioned, his eyes flicking up from his book. Atsushi hadn't realized he was talking to him, until he saw more eyes look at him from across the room.

"What?" He held his head up, "What did you say?" Atsushi asked, dumbfounded.

"I said wha-" Just then, Kenji burst through the door, his breathes were short and rapid. Everyone's attention snapped towards him.

"Where's Mr. Fukuzawa?" His voice was panicked. Atsushi stood up, along with Kunikida, who put his notebook down.

"Wasn't he with you?" Kunikida questioned, stepping closer. Fear lit Kenji's eyes.

"He was! But then he just- disappeared!" Kenji tried to explain. Atsushi was sure he had never seen Kenji be this way.

"What were you guys doing?" Ranpo spoke up, sitting upright in his chair.

"We were just heading to Mr. Tayama's place to see if he was doing okay, I was just talking and all the sudden I turn to look at a civilian and he's gone! I looked everywhere."

"Did you ask the people around if they saw him?" Junichiro questioned. Kenji nodded. Kunikida looked at Dazai and Ranpo.

"We have to go look for him." He stated firmly. Ranpo sighed and stood up, stretching. Dazai nodded. Kunikida looked at Kenji. "You, Junichiro, and Ranpo are coming with me," his gaze swept to Atsushi and everyone else, "the rest of you will stay here and guard the agency, just in case it's a trap to lead us out." Dazai protested.

"Wait why do they get to go and I don't?"

"Junichiro's ability will help if we get into an altercation, Ranpo can figure anything out in seconds, and Kenji was the last one with Mr. Fuzukawa. I can't risk taking too many people." Kunikida retorted, grabbing his things. He turned to Kenji. "Let's head out." He glanced at the members staying. "Call me if anything happens, I mean anything." He demanded, before leaving with Ranpo, Junichiro, and Kenji. Dazai sighed and sat back down. Kyouka stood.

"I'm going to tell Yosano what happened, I'll be back." She said while leaving to Yosano's office. Atsushi put his head in his hands.

"This is bad." He said to himself.

"Boss is strong, I'm sure he's not hurt or anything." Naomi tried to reassure him. Atsushi glanced at her, drowning in his thoughts.

A phone ringing interrupted the silence.

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