Have Fun

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"Atsushi." Atsushi felt a hand on his shoulder shaking him. He peeked his eyes open and saw Kyouka.

"Hm..." Atsushi rubbed his eyes.

"You're usually awake by now, are you going into work?" Kyouka was fully dressed. Atsushi sat up.

"Sorry, yeah, I guess my body is just off." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm getting up just give me a minute." Kyouka nodded and slipped back into her room, giving Atsushi space.

He hugged his knees, resting his head on them. I miss him. Atsushi felt disappointed in himself. But I shouldn't feel like this. He rubbed his face and stood, feeling more vulnerable than usual.

Atsushi quickly and sloppily got ready, standing near the door. Kyouka exited her room and stood next to Atsushi. They left together and walked to the agency quietly.

When they arrived, everyone peered at Atsushi. He tensed up. "What..?" He asked, Kunikida shot everyone glares as they all went back to their respective duties. "Why are they looking at me?" Atsushi asked Kunikida.

"Unfortunately Dazai doesn't know how to keep quiet." Kunikida pushed his glasses up, then looked at Atsushi. "Are you okay? You seem... Unprepared." Kunikida mentioned, pulling Atsushi's suspender fully on his shoulder. Atsushi shrugged.

"I'm here, aren't I?" He brushed it off. Kunikida sighed.

"I guess, well, if you still continue your relationship, I suggest start talking to Toska again." Kunikida advised, Atsushi raised a brow.

"Why do you say that?" Kunikida sat down and straightened the papers on his desk.

"They're considering letting you foster him, then maybe adopt him." He looked up at Atsushi for his reaction. Atsushi didn't know how to feel, he felt happy, but then sad. What if me and Akutagawa don't work out? I don't want him in a small apartment.... Atsushi just smiled.

"That's wonderful news." Atsushi sighed, somewhat of relief. "Does he know? Where is he?" Atsushi glanced around.

"He's been placed in CPS's hands right now. I'd suggest to visit him at the orphanage around the corner if you want to see him. I believe he knows." Kunikida smiled a little. Atsushi nodded.

"Noted, I'll probably go there after work today." Atsushi mentioned, starting to walk off.

"You could now, if you want." Kunikida suggested, Atsushi turned to look at him.

"But, I came in today, to work." Atsushi said slowly.

"I know, we're not doing anything big today, and technically you're still working." Kunikida shrugged, writing on his paper.

"Are you sure? I don't mind just waiting till tonight." Atsushi admitted. I'm actually nervous.

"Yeah, spend the day with him, get to know him, not everyone has chances like this." Kunikida briefly looked up at Atsushi. Atsushi smiled.

"Well, thank you. I don't really know what to say." He laughed nervously. Kunikida nodded and smiled faintly.

"Have fun, Atsushi."

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