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This time it wasn't dark, but very bright. My vision was blurry and my head was hurting. The voices I was hearing were muffled. "Ms. Halifax......with me." I squinted as I couldn't make out the middle of the person's sentence. ".....fax.....hear me?" I blinked and reached up to touch me head. "Looks like.......make it." I won't make it? That's not true. I was fine. I was better than I was. My vision was coming to and a doctor was looking at me with his mask on. " are. Everything.....power.....make sure......makes it." I started to breathe heavy. Almost hyperventilate.

I shot up in bed and looked around. There was music going and I could hear something humming. The room was dark but once I took a deep breath in I could smell lavender. I patted where I was before feeling a hand under mine and I turned my head to see the lights from outside coming in through the blinds. I gently moved my hand up the arm, to the shoulder, and finally to the chest. From there I could lay down and listen to the breathing. It was Prince. It was a dream. He put his arm around my shoulders and I relaxed. "Happy birthday." He whispered. I smiled. "Thank you." I whispered back.

My birthday was Hallow's Eve and tomorrow was Halloween. Every other day I was spending the night with Prince and I was enjoying it. This way we got our own time and then our together time, but today I was going to spend it with Prince. Halloween was on a Monday and today Luther was going to be going to a friend's house which made me happy because he had made a friend when he came back. I picked my head up a little to look at the time and saw it was only two in the morning. Maybe I could catch some more sleep before Luther got up to go to his friend's house. I closed my eyes and felt Prince stroking the hair starting from my forehead back over my scalp. It was the perfect time to catch some more sleep.

"Prince! Knock it off!" I said looking up from my book. He was swimming in Lake Minnetonka which was surprisingly warm today. Then again, it was summer and Prince's first camping trip since he had never been. "Stop splashing me, goofy." I told him as he came over to sit beside me. His now straight hair was wet and dripping before he grabbed a towel. "Why are you reading? Don't you wanna come swim with me?" He asked. "I'd love to but I'm reading about literacy for college." I told him. Prince leaned his chin on my shoulder. "C'moooon. Give me attention." He said playfully before taking my book and running off. I stood and started chasing after him. "Prince, c'mon! Cut it out!" I called after him laughing. He was running in his red swim shorts and he was running so fast. I wasn't an athlete but I was catching up before I eventually tackled him to the ground. He was under me breathing heavily and laughing.

"Okay, okay, you got me." I was breathing heavy with him and the grass was starting to itch both of us as we laid there. We stood up and walked hand in hand back to our tent which was right by the lake. You could see the bridge over Minnetonka which was so cool to see as I had never been on this side of the lake before, just driven over it. We sat down and Prince was crouched down beside me. "Are you gonna change?" He asked me. I looked down at my Jean shorts. "I feel comfortable." "No, I mean for swimming. You can't swim in those." He had a point.

I went into our tent to change into my single bathing suit and Prince was already in the water. I decided I would scare him and jumped behind him to dunk him under the water. Prince bobbed up and gasped. "Amanda Kathleen." I giggled and he pulled me close to him in the water. I slipped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Are you having fun on your first camping trip?" I asked him. "It's fun and new. Something I've never done before." He kissed my cheek and I looked at the sunset. "It's gonna be dark soon. You wanna start the fire?" I asked him. "Yeah. Let's sit in here for a little while." He wrapped my legs around his waist and was kissing on my neck. I think tonight we'd be ready. We had waited so long and now was the perfect time. There would be no interruptions unless a bear came by, but I don't think one would.

Teacher, TeacherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon