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Lights. More lights. The brightest lights I've ever seen in my life. They dimmed and I realized I was in a hospital. "Ms. Halifax, can you hear me?" I turned my head to see a doctor looking at me. My stomach was sore and stiff. "Everything went well, Amanda. I'm sorry he couldn't be saved." Jayson died in the car accident. Of course he did. "Don't be sorry doctor. It just happens." I turned my head to see my mother coming over to stroke my hair. "It'll be okay sweetie. There's many opportunities for that in the future." Why was everyone sad that Jayson died? It was...relief to me. At least, I was at peace.

I opened my eyes to see Prince laying on his stomach and hugging a pillow while he was looking at me. He smiled and stroked the hair out of my eyes. "You were dreaming again." He whispered. I moved closer to him. "Yeah, I've been having a lot of weird dreams today." I rolled onto my side with my back to him and he cuddled me from behind. "We have to get up soon and catch the plane." I rubbed my eyes and rolled onto my back. "I'm glad the substitute could take over today. It's so much easier than leaving right after school to the airport." Prince kissed where my heart was. "I've been up for a little while. I've just been helping Luther pack up. He's excited to see his mom Wednesday." The last day before Thanksgiving break was always so fun, but Luther was going to be skipping so we could go to Minnesota.

I sat up and slipped out of bed while Prince followed and I was about to grab a shower when Prince said "I wouldn't do that. Last time I took a shower before going to Minnesota I got laryngitis." I sighed. "Shit. I forget it's going to be freezing there." I said. "Yup, about 15 degrees (-9 C) there right now." I shivered at the thought and started to get dressed. I could hear Luther in the kitchen grabbing himself a quick breakfast as I was getting my shoes on. I'll be damned if I get fully dressed to sit on a plane for a little while. Prince was as comfortable as he could get, even going as far to wear platform flip flops. I guess he could stand the cold more than I could.

Our driver pulled into the driveway and we started putting our stuff into the back of the car before getting in. Luther was still half asleep and leaned on Prince's arm to get a quick nap before going to LAX. Honestly, I was hoping to get some more sleep on the plane. "You said Denise was coming Wednesday?" "Mmhmm. Andre might stop by too. He's gonna come see his mom. We got a few days to settle in." When we got to LAX, the private jet was ready so we all climbed in and Luther was sitting in front of us with a pillow under his head. "What was your dream about?" Prince asked as he took my hand. "It was weird. I think it's just memories." "You were shaking in your sleep. I was worried you were having another nightmare." I shook my head. "This didn't feel like a nightmare. It was just a weird dream." I gripped his hand right as we were taking off but Luther slept through it. He was probably used to planes by now.

Prince leaned his head on my shoulder so he could sleep, but I couldn't sleep. I was afraid if I went back to sleep I'd have another strange dream. Prince never let go of my hand and I looked out of the window. I knew the flight wouldn't be long, but when we got there I knew it would be cold. Freezing. I hadn't experienced a Minnesota weather, but I knew once you did, you've experienced all of them. Well, I guess apart from the ones in Canada.

I kept having the same lucid dream of Mandie and I in her dorm room. It was a dream that I have never enjoyed. I knocked on the door of her dorm room and she opened the door with a bright smile. Of course, we always kissed before speaking, but this time she pulled me into her dorm and I shut the door. Mandie broke the kiss. "Fuck. This touring shit makes me miss you." She said. "I know, but this is my last tour for awhile." I had news to tell her, but I wasn't sure how she'd take it. Mandie slipped her arms around my neck and kissed me again before taking my leather jacket off. Maybe it could wait.

The rest of the dream was fuzzy and dark, but filled with pleasure. I knew that when I was awake what part was left out and I knew that this dream was a memory that I buried. When the dream one came visual again, Mandie was naked and laying on my shoulder with her forehead against my jaw. "Mandie, I have to tell you something." I told her. She closed her eyes. "Tell me tomorrow." She said before kissing me. I pulled away, but she was chasing kisses and playing with my necklace with her ring on it. "Mandie...listen." I didn't want to sound irritated, but I wanted to get this off my chest. "What? What is it?" She asked. "I...I'm gonna move to New York...with my sister." Her smile dropped. "Wait, what? What happened to...what happened to moving to Los Angeles together?" I sat up and she did as well to look at me. "We can still go to Los Angeles, but...I want to get out of Minneapolis for awhile, and I want you to focus on school so you can graduate."

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